The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California (2024)

12 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD. SUMMARY OF THE M.AKKJST:*. Silver lower. Large shipment Of Leather to apan. Wheat weaker.

Other Cereals dull Hay In excessive supply. Flour goes freely to the Orient. No business in Beans. stuffs unchanged. Potatoes and Onions as before.

Dairy Products and Eggs steady. Poultry rather firm. Fruit market in good shape. Grapes and Melons dull. Oranges nominal.

Provisions quiet. Tin Plate lower. Wool still neglected. p'HIIHT Ilin. The arrow flies with wind.

The top figures It station Indicate maximum temperature for the days; tbose underneath it, if any, the amount of rainfall, of melted snow In inches and hundredths, during the past twelve hours. Isobars, or solid lines, connrct poln of equal air pressure; isotherms, or dotted lines, equal temperature. The word "hieh" means hisrh barometric pressure and Is usually accompanied by fair weather: "low" refers to low pressure, and is usually preceded and accompxnied by cloudy weather and rains. "Lows" us ally first appear on the Washington coast. When the pressure is high In the interior and low along the coast, and the isobars extend north and south along the coast, rain is probable; but when the "low" is inclosed with isobars of marked curvature, rain south of Oregon is improbable.

With a "high" in the vicinity of Idaho, and the pressure falling to the California coast, warmet weather may be expected in summer and colder weather In winter. The reverse of these will produce an opposite result. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. United States Department op Agriccltt-be. Weather Bi-biav.

Sax Francisco, Aug. 27, 1896, SP. M. Weather conditions and general forecast The temperatures are reported from stations in California to-day: Eureka 68. Fresno 98, San Diego 72, Red Bluff 90, San Luis Obispo 94, Yuma 98, San Francisco 65, Los Angeles 82.

San Francisco Maximum temperature 56. minimum 52, mean 58. An area of low pressure is central this evening in Northern Nevada, while the highest pressure is reported from Northwestern Washlnston. Showery weather has pr -vailed- to-day throughout Washington and in Arizona. Rain is still faKing in Arizona.

The wea her is partly cloudy In Utah and conditions are favorable for showers in that section Friday. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight August 28. 189tJ: Northern i- air Friday: warmer In the extreme northeast portion: fresh northwesterly winds, brisk to high on the. northern coast. Southern Occasional showers in the south portion to-night and Friday mornine, fair in north portion: warmer in the extreme southeast.

portion: brisk westerly winds. i artly cloudy Friday: cooler in the portion, slightly warmer in th extreme west portion. Cloudy and occasional showers Friday. and thunderstorms to-night; Fjiday partly cloudy: warmer at Yuma. San Francisco and vicinity Fair Friday: brisk to high westerly winds.

W. H. Hammo-v. Forecast Official. NEW YORK MARKETS.

Financial. NEW YORK, Iff. developments in financial circles to-day were generally of a favorable character, but exerted no influence on (peculation, which is practically dead for the time being. The McKlnley letter of accep was received with lavor. at least that part which referred to the currency question.

More important than this so far the street Is concerned was the announcement of the engagement of additional amounts of cold in Europe for shipment to New York. Posted rates for sixty-day bills were re- need to $4 bile demand oil. actually sold as low as 9 So far as known nearly $10,000,000 gold has been engaged for Importation to this country, and good authorities estimate the inflow during tue next thirty days at twice this amount On the arrival of this fresh capital money rales ought to weaken, and this nsually is a bull argument. To-day money on call ranged from 6to 15 per cent until near the cose, when unemployed balances were offered at. 1 per cent.

J. P. Morgan Co. were responsible for the break in rates from 15 to 6 per cent. While the market for stocks was In a state of stagnation, the undertone, except for a slight period, was steady to firm.

Western Union, Chicago Gas and Tobacco were the weak spots, and at one time showed losses of per cent. Near tbe close the failure of John B.oougood A Co. was announced, but as the firm had no outstanding contracts on the exchange it had no interest. The market ruled quiet and steady in tone, with prices generally above yesterday's quotalions. Total were only 89, -59 snares, 19,000 St.

Paul. 14,700 sugar. 8700 Western Union and 6100 Burlington and Qmncy. Bonds were dull and firmer. Sales footed up lie unusually small total of $369,000.

Chesapeake md Ohio fives rose 1 to 101; Louisville, New Mliany and Chicago general fives. 2 to 42; Rock Island Consolidated trusts fives, 1 to 97, and abash firsts, Ito 101. In Government bonds $9000 coupon fours of 1925 brought and $1000 coupon fives Grain. FLOUR Quiet. Spot flour dull, easy, f2 20 g-25: Southern flour unchanged.

RYK Quiet and easy, at $2 75. CORMEAL-Quiet. Quiet; 49 pounds quoted at 34c f. o.b BARLEY Quiet. Western, Spot.

market quiet, easier. f.od. ungraded red, No. 1 Northern. Options were fairly active and lost con reign selling, easier cables and lower West; railed on local covering, closing firm at below yesterday.

December and Septemler most active. Slav, 5 August, 63Vic: epember, ts3Vic: October, 64y 8 December, spot lower and active; weak; No. 2 16 Vic elevator. 8 afloat. Options were fairly active and steady at tecllne' on weaker cables, free receipts and local realizing.

September and October mest active Vugust, 26Vic: September, 2614 October. 18c; December, 28y 2 May. 31.. Spot," more active, firm. Options, dull, easy.

August, 20y 2 October. e. pot prices: No. 2 white, 24c: No. 2 Chicago, No.

3, 18c; No. 3 while, 21cnixed VVesteru. white do, wiltte Jtate. I weak. Family, $7 50; exra, $5 beef hams quiet-, 50; lerced beef, dull, weak: city extra India mess, 18 cut meats, firm, wanted; pickled belies, 12 lbs, ic: 1 Ickled shoulders, SViffl pickled hams, LAl.lj— Dull, easier; estern steam, $3 70: ity, $3 40: September, $3 65: refined, dull; ontlnent, $4 20: ssouin American, $4 70: comwund, Moderate demand, easy; new mess.

25. Moderate demand; fancy steady: Vestern dairy, do creamery, factory. Elgins, imitation reamery, Moderate demand, easy; part skims, iCGGS-Cnoice, fair demand: Western fresh, do case, $2 50. Firm, moderate demand: City, aygc bid, SVic asked; country, e. COTIoSSKED Olb-auiet, easy; Crude, 20c: yellow, prime.

223 Quiet; Quiet. Domestic Japan, Steady, quiet; New Orleans, 27 Steady 6to 80 points down. August, $10 September, $9 85; October, $9 55; November, December, $9 35: Marcn, $9 35; April, 40: May $9 40; Spot Kio quiet, steady: No 7. Raw, dull, steady: fair refining. sc; centrifugal, 96 teat, 3Jy refined, quiet, steady off 4 2 mould sc; 434 confectioners' cut loaf.

crushed. powdered, sc; granulated, cubes, sc. Fruit and I'roduce. New, hags, PeeIed, nnpeeled, 84c. Four sizes, nominal.

1 wo-crowp, loose Muscatels. 4c: do three-crown. SQSifac; do lour-crowu. do London layers, 10; do clusters, 91 1 40. Quiet.

Paciric Coast, WOOL-Quiet. Domestic fleece, puUed, it-xas, Merchanitiss. rm iKON-Quiet: steady: American. 12 60. tOPPEB-Dull; nominal; SlO LEAD-Qulet; domestic.

2 70. 3 IK Quiet; 35; platesquiet. BPELTEK-Qulet; dnmfic, S3 50(3)3 76. lliHAOil aJkJUUbTS.

CHICAGO. Ang. A slipht wave of firmness raised prices of wheat at the opening today Prominent among the reasons cited for the improvement were gold Importations by Chicago banks, encouragement derived by some from the McKinley letter of acceptance and a firm stock market. The duration of the strength was short, however, the fear of the Sep. ember deliveries assuming Importance as a factor and lnfluen ing the other speculative options.

Fine weather was reported generally. The receipts were quite liberal, Chicago having 158 cars and the Northwest 486, against 2R7 last Thursday and 699 a year ago. The Cincinnati Price' Current reported no material change in crop conditions during the last week. Liverpool cables were quiet and steady. Local Inspections from store amounted to 114,530 bushels.

About the middle of the session prices broke on local selling, Influenced by raiding of corn by a prominent professional. Bradstreets 1 itsued a correction of the figures 01. the world's stocks given out on Tuesday, making them show a decrease of 187,000 bushels Instead of an Increase of 319,000 bushels. Closing Paris cables were 20 to 40 centimes lower far flour and unchanged to 10 centimes hiehei for wheat. Antwerp was centimes lower and Berlin marks lower.

Export clearances amounted to 367.349 bushels. December wheat opened from tOYs to 60c, declined to 69c, closing at 3 80, under yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 150 cars. Dullness attended with weakness were about the only features of the market foi corn early. In addition to the sympathetic feeling of easiness between it and wheat there was the customary report by the innati Price urient, which to-day stated that crop Indications were fully maintained during the past week.

Speculators are fully acquainted with the brilliant crop prospects, but when reminded thereof generally sell a little more corn. Liverpool cables were lower. Receipts were 452 cars, and bushels were taken from store. The market was raided toward noon by a prominent professional, prices declining somewhat sharply. Export clearances were 295,873 bushels May corn opened at 4 declined to closing at 8 under yesterday.

Estimated receipts for tomorrow, 705 cars. The weakness of the surrounding markets did not affect oats. This market was sold heavily short earlier in the year, and as the crop will not fully realize earlier expectations, the short interest takes advantage of every opportunity to cover. The strength of the market is quite easily traceable to this condition. Receipts were 312 cars.

There were no withdrawals from store- Export Clearances were 50,573 bushels. May oats closed Vie under yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 305 cars. Was steady. Cash ranged from 66 to 2 Northwestern was premium over western; September, 66c; December, 70c.

Recepts were 116 cars. An easy Provision market resulted from a similar Hog market. Trade was local and largely professional, with little really attractive to It. The same disinclination to assume the carrying of Pork after aeptember continues to exist. Toward the close on a little covering, prices rallied.

January Pork and Ribs each closed unchanged and January Lard lower. hUTTaK-The demand for butter continued urgent and the supply light to-day. The feeiing was conseauently firm. Prices were unchanged. Extras, firsts, imitations, fancy, -tc.

Extras, 14c; firsts, seconds, 10c. Extras, firsts, packing slock, grease, Were in heavier supply, and not quite so firm as they have been. Fresh stock, 9 dozen. Was firm at on call and on unit oit exchange sold at tl 20 discount. Closing: Prices.

WHEAT August. 5534 SeDtember. December, September. May, e. is- September.

May, 4 September. $6 50; January, September, S3 30: January, $3 70.,!:— September, 53 20; January, $3 Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS, .111. Aug.

The demand for cattle to-day was quite active, and the feeling firm. Offerings were moderate. The supply of hogs was large and under a slow demand: prices were weak and 5c lower. Sheep were in fair supply and good demand prices were firm. Receipts.

15.000. Fancy beeves. 90 00: choice to nrtme, 1300 to 1800 Ib "steers, $4 85: good to choice steers. 12J)Q to IHCO Ib, 50; medium steers, lOtA) to Ib. $4 00 20: common to fair steers.

960 to 1300 Iba. 50 3 90; rough Western steers, $2 3 40: feeders. 900 to 1200 $2 65; 600 to 875 Ib. $2 45; bulls, choice to extra, $2 25; bulls, poor to cnoice. SI 76 f- 75: cows and choice to extra.

$3 50faj 85; cows, fair to choice, $2 40: rows, common to fair canners, $1 10: calves, good to choice, $5 00: calves, common to good, S3 50: Texas grass steers. $2 25. Texas cows and bulls, $1 50; Western canning steers, $2 Western range cows ana heifers, $2 50: milkers and springers, head, Western range steers, 90. Receipts. Heavy packlns ana shipping lots.

$2 75663 76: common to choice mixed, $2 40: choice assorted, $3 3 60; light, 60: pigs. $2 60. Receipts. 13,000. uuerioc to choice, 4 60: lambs.

CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALES. NEW YORK. N. Aug. Earl Fruit Company, sold California fruit to-day as follows: Souvenir de Congress, 05; Bartlett, 56: Beaurre Hardy, 05.

Pi Kelsey Japan, $1 50: Egg, 10. Gros, 36; German, $1 10; Italian, 15. Pea White Free, Orange Cling, other varieties, CHICAGO. Aug. Porter Bros.

Company sold California fruit to-day as follows: Bartleus. $1 65 box and 40c Vhalf box. Tokay $1 40 half crate; Muscats. 30: Svveetwaters, Gros, 25 iS half crate: Hungarian, $1 05. Japan, half crate.

box. NEW VOKa sXOUKI. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad Money on call active at a last loan at and closing offered at Prime mercantile Bar silver, Mexican dollars, 8 Sterling Kxchanje Is weak, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 833.4 for xty days, and $4 8414 for demand. Posted rates $4 Commercial bills, $4 4 82. Government bonds easier.

State bonds dull. Railroad bonds firm. Silver at the board was quiet. 1 CXOSIN-n Am Tel 78 Norfolk Wentrn Preferred Northern 9 Adams 36 Alton. Terre Haute 63 8- a American Express) 05 liiiZ AmericanTooacco.

b6Vi N. Y. Preferred 92 N.Y.,Chlcago<fcS.L. 90 BayStateGas 12 Ist preferred 60 Baltimore 12 Ve 23 Brunswick N. H.

164 buffalo, Roch AP. N. Y. A New 20 Canada Pacific 6B N.Y.; Bnsq Canada vi, Canton Land Central Ontario Western 116? Ches. Oregon Improvmut y.

Chicago 150 Preferred. Preferred 170 Oregon Navigation IB Chicago. B. 67 Short Lino. 10 111...

Pacific Preferred. 90 Peorla. D. Evans Chicago Gas Plitsbur- A W. pfd 16 Pullman ..138 Consolidation Coal.

31 Quicksilver lv. Consolidated Gas. .187 Preferred. IS C. C.

c. St. Louis 21 Reading. 72 RloGrandeiWestn 16 Cola Fuel A Preferred 40 Preferred 90 Hock island! Cotton Oil Cert Rome WatiOgden. lo7 Commercial Cable.

126 St. L. AB. Dei. 1168,4 7 A Del.Lack&\Vestrn.l4s SL Denver Preferred.

St. Paul A Dulnth. 5........... 84 General Electric. 23 St.

Paul Omaha. 33 115 Bl P. M. 103 Fort 145 silver Certtncates. 66 real Northern pfdlO6 Southern Pacino.

16 Green Southern K. 7 Harlem. 300 1 Preferred. 18 Hocking Coat Sugar Refinery Hocking 1. Preferred.

95 34 'Term. Coal Iron. H. Texas i Preferred. Illinois 86 Texas Pad iowa Tol.A.A.&N.Micli".— Preferreo 22 Ohio Kansas it Preferred.

60 Preferred X.C* 5 3 I Preferred THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1896. Lake Erie A Westn Union Pacinc Preferred 60 P. Den iy Lake 5h0re. B. National Lead 4 76 Guaranteed la Long Island 65 if.

S. Express. 30 Louisville A Nash. 38 U. S.

6V4 Louisville. Preferred 4v Rubber. 15 Manhattan Consol. 69 Memphis A Charts. 15 Utica AB.

River. Mexican 7 Wab. b. L. A Michigan 87 Minn Preferred Western Union 74 Vi lnn A St.

com. 11 Wisconsin Central. 8 Ist preferred 58 Wheeling 5V4 2iy a Missouri 16U, Am Cotton Oil pfd. 4iy a Mobile A 15 W. U.

5 Nashville A Chatt. A in 6 National 16 N.J. Brooklyn Traction, Kortli "4 Erie 2d p1d. 1434 cxosino BONDS. 2ds 48 Do 106 Do 45.............

8 4s new, Mutual Union 65. ..107 Do 4s, Cent Gen Do as 9 lvJ Doss Do2ds 105 Jo 6s. coupon 63 Cherokee 4s, 1896.100 Northwest Consols. 1 31 Do Do deb 5s 104V4 Do 1898.......... 1011 105 Do 1899......

....100 69 Pacific 'St LA Gen 6s. 99y a Paul 120 Ala Class A 45..... 100 St PCA Pa 109 Do Class 4, 55.. 100 I 1 Do Pac Cal Ists. 110 La Consol 45.......

90 Southern RR 65... 79 Missouri I Texas Pacific lsis. 76 Carolina con 110 Texas Pacific 14 Do 4s Union Pac Ists 96. 98 Ho Carolina 95 I West Shore 45...... 102 Term new 3s 76 Mobile A Ohio 45..

Va funding Grande West lsis 06V3 Do registered Ches A Ohio Do deferred 65... 5 Atcmson 45... Do trust rcpts st. 4 Do 2ds A 29 Canada South 2ds. 100 GH ASA 6s 101 Cen Pac Ists of 95.

98 Do2d 75.......... 95 Den AP. Ist IIOV2 HA Tex Cent 65.. 102 Do 45.:.. Do con 65..

.102 Erie 5............ 56 Reading 4s 70 Kansas Pa Consols 62 Missouri 100 Paints Den Alabama, class C. 90 FOREIGN MARKETS. WHEAT IV LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL, Aug.

The spot market is quiet at 6s 7d. Cargoes quiet at 27s 3d. FUTUBEB. The Produce Exchanee cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: August, 6s Id; September.

6s October, 5s November, 6s iy a December, 6s 2a. BECUBITIES. LONDON, Auk. Consols, 112.13-16; sUver, 30 11-16 French Rentes, 102f 67y 2 c. EXCHANGE AND BULLION.

Sterling Exchange, 60 days $4 86 Sterling Exchange, sight 4 88 Sterling Cables 4 i New York Exchange, sight nominal New York Exchange, telegraphic. nominal Fine silver, ounce Dollars PRODUCE MARKET. AND OTHER GRAINS. The Celilcburn takes for Liverpool 37,024 centals valued at $36,100. The market is easy and futures are lower.

No. 1, ctl; choice, lower trades, extra choice for milling, c.l. i CALL BOABD BALKS. Informal 6000 ctls, 99y e. second ooo ctls, REGUI.AB Morning 6ooo ctls, C.

Mjty-2000, 1 afternoon- ctls, 14,000, c. The Celtlcburn takes I for Liverpool 13.692 ctls Brewing valued at 10,500. Previous prices rule. Feed, ctl; choice bright, 633.4 65c; Brewing. 80c ctl; Chevalier, for Na 1, CALL BOARD SALES.

Informal No sales. Second sessoin No sales. Regulab Mobning 2ooo ctls. 68c. aftebnoon No sates.

New Oats. old milling, fancy feed. 9 4 (rood to choice, common 10 fair, Gray, Surprise. 2 co*k.N— Sales are few and small. Large Yellow quotable at ctl: Small Hound do, ctl: White, Continues dull at CU for old and tor new.

BUCKvv Nominal at ctl. FLOUR AND MItLSTCFFS. The China steamer took out 23,654 this. Net cash prices are as follows; Family extras, 3 70 bbl; Bakers' extras, $3 40 60; superfine $2 CORN MEAL. Feed Corn, 19 Cracked 1 orn.

$20 ton. MILLSTUFF in sacks are as follows, usual discount to the trade: Graham Flour, 10; Rye Flour, 60; Rice Hour, 86 76; Cornmeal, $2 10; extra cream do, $2 75: atmeal, $2 90; Oat Croats, f3 50: Hominy, $3 30: Buckwheat Flour. $3 30: Cracked Wheat, 76: Farina, $3 60; Whole Wheat Flour, 30: Rolled Oats, $3 60; Pear! Barley, 50; Split Peag, $3 20: Green do, $4 10 100 lbs. HAY AND FJSEDSTUFFS. 50 for the best and 60 9 ton for outside brands.

ton for lower grades. and ton for the best. Rolled Barley, $14 50: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $21 ton: jobbing, 922; clipped Oats, 05 ctl. HA lt is the old a weak and heavily stocked market. Wheat quotable at $7(alO ton; Wheat and Oat, $6 Oat, Barley.

liver Barley, $4 Alfalfa, $5 60 lor second and $4 for first cutting: compresssd stock, Ciover, 95 50. bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. Bayos, ctl; Small Whites, 10 Tft ctl; Pea, $l(ail 20 ctl; Large Whites, ctl: Pink, ctl: Beds, ctl; Blackeye, 40: Red Kiaiii-y, nominal; Limas, $2652 36; Butters, 25. Brown Mustard, $1 75 ctl; Trieste, $2 75 ctl; Yellow Mustard, fl 50 75; Flax.

$1 50: Canary, 2V4028AC fk Ib: Allalfa, nominal; Rape, 1b; Hemp, DRIKD PKAMI 40 ctl for Sues and 91 60 for Green. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES The market is cleaning up rather better. Sweet Potatoes are quotable at Ib; Garnet Chiles, Early Rose, Burbank Seedlings, for Rivers and 7. for Salinas.

DuII at Pickles, 50c fy ctl. Com is selling lower than at any lime this season. Tomatoes keep up. Marrowfat Squash is quoted 3 ton; Green Corn, sack: Alameda Corn, 9 crate; Berkeley Corn quoted at fi box; Summer Squash, for Bay: Egg Plant, Tomatoes. 40(j050c for.

Rivers and tor Bay: Alameda Cucumbers, Pick es, ib for No 1 and ctl for No. 2: Green Peppers, large box for Chile and for ell: Green Peas, sack for common and Ib for Garden; hiring Beans, 9 sack for common and Ib lor garden: Limas. V- sack; Green Okra, 9 box: Cabbage, 40c ctl; Carrots, sack; Garlic, Ib. POULTRY AND GAME: A car of Eastern will be offered today. California stock Is firm, and extra: choice Hens and yonng Roosters sell over the quotation-).

Live Turkeys are quotable at 14 He for Gobblers. for nens: young Turkeys, Geese, pair, 25: Goslings, $1 150; JUucks, 60 doz for old and 3 soig 5 for young; Hens, 60; young, 50: do, old, 60; Fryers, $3 Broilers, 50 for large and 92 60 for small; Pigeons, $1 ft doz for youag and 91 50 for old. Nominal. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. The market is steady with moderate supplies.

Fancy, with sales at 20c; seconds. Ib. Fancy, ib: good to choice, 2 lower grades, Ib. l4(gilsc Ib. CHKi- SK- Fancy mild new, 9c Ib: common to good, Cream Cneddar.

Young America, 9ta)lOc; Western, Eastern, ib. EGGs market shows no particular change. Ranch rule firm. Orreon. Eastern.

14(a)15c: store Egcs, for ordinary and for good; r.inch Eggs, 23c: cold-storage ranch, 1 Duck hggs, AOZ. DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUITS- The market is now in good shape, being lightly sopplied, ana good stock sells off readily. Quinces, 9 box. Nectarines, 75' box.

Peaches, 14 box, V. basket: 915 ton for frees for dlnus Plums. 25(536c 1.0.x and ft crate; nlte in bulk, ton; Japanese Plums, 25(a40c: box. App es, box for choice and for common. r.tb iDp'fK.

-Pears; -Mta-W box; Bartlelts, box and $12 1 6 50 ton. Figs, i box for white and for black, double layers. strawberries, chest for Long worths and 50 for large berries. chest. Blackberries.

ft '-nest. I Huckleberries, Ib. dull. box; Isabellas, $1 crate: Tokays, box: Black Grapes, 255 50 9 box: Muscats, 25 IjfiDOc p( box- waters and-Fontalnebleaux, fH box; Grapes in crates bring more than in boxes. All kinds are in good supply.

Watermelons. 100; Cantaloupes, crate FRUITS Oranges are nominal at for Va! enclas and box for Mediterranean Sweets: Lemons, $1642 dox for common and S2 for good to choice: Mexican Limes as' $3 box: repacked, California Limes. 50: Bananas, 3 bunch; Pineapples, 50 doz. DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUIT a- New York advices say that California Apricots are being exported to Europe, and dealers there expect to ship away a good many of our Prunes also later on.

Quotations on the Fruit Exchange are as Carload New Apricots, in swatbox, Hlb f. o. b. coas and fancy Moorparks: new Prunes. new Peaches, i- in the sweat-box and f.

o. b. toast. Jobbing New fancy, 5 new Apricots, new evaporated Applt-s, 6y lb; old cranes, 3c for four sizes: new Fins, black. tor unpiessed mid for pressed: white ilsb, Plums, BVaol4c for pitted and for unpitted; new Nectarines, 9 Ib for prime to choice, Prices are as follows, carload lots, f.

O. Fresno: Four-crown, loose, 33 3-crown, loose, 3ViC; 2-crown, 9 Ib; seeuiess sultanas, 3c; seedless Muscatels, 1 3 ic; 3-crown London layers, 70c box: clusters. $1 50: Dehesa clusters, $2 25; Imperial clusters, $2 76 Jobbing crown, loose, 4 Vic: 3crown, 33,4 2-crown, seedless Snltanas, 4c lb; seedless Muscatels, 3c; 3-crown London layers, clusters, $1 75: Dehesa clusters, $2 60: Imperial clusters, 2 75. Quo ations are as follows: Walnuts, nominal: new Almonds, 7c 9 Ib for Languedoc, Ib for hardshell and Ib for papershell, jobbing; Peanuts. lbfor Eastern and for California; Hickory Nuts, lb; Pecans, Filberts, 7 Brazil Nuts, 9 IE; Cocoanuts, 100.

comb, 2 for br.ght and for lower grades: water-white extracted, a light amber extracted, dark amber, 4Vic; aarK, Ib. 26c 9 lb. PROVISIONS. CURED ME Bacon Is quotable at for heavy, 7V2C Ib for light medium. 9ia9V 2 for light, for extra lleht and 12c for sugarcured; Eastern sugar-cured Hams, California Hams, Ib; Mess Beef, 8: extra mess do, $8: family do.

$10: extra prime' Pork, 50; extra clear, $13 bbl; mess, $11 bol; smoked Beef, 10c 9 lb. lARD- Eastern tierces Is quoted at 4 Vic lb for compound and 514 for pure; palls, 6c fi Ib; California 4Vis for compound and pure; ha f-bbls, 10- lb tins, 6 Vic: do 6y 2 lb. in half-bbls and 3 in 10- lb tins. lIIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND Heavy salted steers are quoted at 6c Ib; culls and brands, 11 Ib; medium, 5c fi; Ib; culls' and brands, Ib; light, 4c; culls and branas, 2 Cowhides, culls and brands, salted Kip, 4c; salted Calf, 6c Ib: salted Veal, sc; dry Hides.

culls and branas, 7c; dry Kip and culls, 6c; dry Calf, culls, Guatskins. 860 each: Kids, sc: Deerskins, good summer, 3 medium, 2V 2 winter, Sht-epskins, shearings. 10al5c each: short wool, medium, 40ra60ceach: long wools, each. Culls of all kinds about Vie less. 'i No.

rendered, "JVifaac; No. 2, refined, Grease, 2c Jb. A lo ai circular says: "Ail the scouring establishments are closed. So outlet wool of any description. No chance to do business in a liberal way because of the condition of the money market, And even if money -could be obtained or speculative purposes there would be no inclination to speculate, because most of the woolen mills of the East are closed.

-The outlook for wool is" worse at the moment than It is for any other commodity, and It would seem as: if tne only thing that can help it will be a sneedy return to a tariff on wool and woolens. No sales." Humboidt-and Mendocino Is quotable at Ib; Valley Oregon, dc- lower grades, Nevada, San Joaquin and Coast, six months, ban Jouquin, foothill, good to choice, San Joaqnii, year's fleece. northern free, do defective, lbT Nominal. at Ib for 1895 and 6c for 1896. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET.

Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaughterers are as follows: First quality. second do. 4y 3 third do, lb- Large, small, Ib Wethers, 4y a Ewes, a lb. Live Logs. 3c Ib for large and 314 for small and medium dressed do, Ib GENERAL 3IEKCHANDISE.

Calcutta Grain Bags, spot, $4 25: San $4 'JO; Wool Kates. 2 c. Wellington, $8 ton New Wellington, $8 ton: Southfield $7 50 ton; leeattje, 50: S5;" i oos Bay, $4 50; Wallsend, $7: Scotch, $7 60; Brymbo, $7 50; Cumberland, 13 SO ton In bulk and $15 in sks-. Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg, 11 ton: Welsh Anthracite, $9: Cannel, $7. 50; i-ock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleasant Valley, $7 60; co*ke, In bulk and $13 ton in sks.

shipment of 165 rolls, valued at $6090, to Japan. The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube and Crushed, Powdered, 8 Fine Crushed, Dry Granulated, 434 Magnolia Golden 4y 8 half barrels. Vie more than barrels, and boxes more. lIN is lower at $4 50 spot, and to arrive. RECEIPTS OP PRODUCK.

FOR 24 HOURS. Flour, qr 4,670 res, doz 17,820 Wheat, 12.020 351 Barley, 8,530 1 Pelts, 95 Rye, 400 Wine, 44,600 Beans, sks 1.6801 leather, 83 Potatoes, Wool, 28 Onions, 270 Sugar, 3,250 Bran. sks --40 Middlings, 305 Hops, 36 Hay, Lime, bbls 441 Butter, 190 Lumber, 80 Cheese, 12r THE STOCK MARKET. Values were rather rli mi in mining stocks yesterday, owing to the news that work had teen resumed in the south drif: on the MOO level or the Chollar-Brunswick ground and that the excavation of a station had begun at the 400 foot vertical point In shaft 1, preparatory to opening a new level at that deuth.

No ore was hoisted from the £avaga mine during the past week. Some of fair grade is being broken down from the tenth floor of the upraise in east crosscut 3on the 850 level. The usual prospec.tiig work continues at other points on the hSO level, and also on the 750 and 950 levels. On the Brunswick lode, 00 the 800 level, the joint north drift from 1 has been advanced 252 feet, at li length it reached the south boundary of the bayage mine. Th face Is in soft porphyry.

This drift has been timbered up to the. line. 1 The seveir and Steamboat mining companies of Utah have levied -merits of 5 and cents per share, respectively, delinquent. In their, offices September 9 and 24. The Deadwood Terra Mining Company of South Dakota paid a dividend of 60 cents per share this month.

joint Confidence, Challenge and Imperial west crosscut 1 from the surface tunnel is out 670 feet, having Leen advanced thirteen feet dining the past week. Tlie face sliows The crown Point mine, owing; to the 1 tailing off of the water in the Carson River, and the consequent closing down of the Mexican mill, suspended work on the evening of. August '11. Shipped to the Mexican mill 172 tons and 390 pounds of gold ore for a test. 1 Have received no returns during the week.

The Belcher mine yielded sixty mining-car loads of ore during the past wee the average assay of the same beinc $25 39 per ton. he yield of the segregated Belcher mine for the past wfeK was. twenty-eight mining-car loads of on-, assaying $29 92 per ton. Ihe Confidence mine, during the past yielded eight mining-car loads of ore of the average assay value of 96 per Ihe yield 01 the Overman mine for the 1 past week was ten tons of ore iof i the 1 average assay value of $27 63 per ton. The ore came fioin small seams hich being followed in the north drill on the 900 level.

BOARD BALKS. Following were the soles in the San Francisco StocK Board yi-sterday KOBNINO'. SESSION, COMMKNCINB 5 0 A ll 400 2.05, 10 90 iim el i llw ---20 200 iNer. ...43 50 I.JJuiIOO Union. 300 ..18 AFTKBNOON 5 P0t05i.

10J 15U 8ar. 53 60 ..33 Choir. 100 Following the sales'! in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday BKOCI.AB 400 1000 ..82 10; Overman. 3 200 jO oSU Potosl 90 1600 Kxcnqr- .......91 300 65 200 .88 60U 1 i Ob 1 700 200 a 64 'inn Cnall 37200 ..05 Scorplon.o6 300 2.05,400 200 100.:.. 2.00 300 Occd 62 300 100 861800 60 84 200 641.100 U-ah 08 60 25J 1 20U AFTERNOON I 200 Alnha 06:250 Cholr2.o2Vi 400 Occd 64 200 2.05 200 400 Andes 31U50 CCV.1.82y 2 500 400 200 I.Bi- 600 Potosi 90 100 100 COnrl 82 400 62 100 1.07V 2 1000 Con 200 64 100 .64 200 Point.

..25 500 150 v.v..6i 300 a c.v; 53 200 250 60200 HAN 1.32% 300 300 o7lVJoJ Mxcn 58200 Union 100 Mono 20 150 Utah 07 200 Cha1ng. 361300 Ophir 981300 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. THURSDAY, August p. M.V. £id.

Asked. Sid. Alpha Con. 04 06 25 Aita. 08 09Jolia 08 30 32 Justice.

04 06 '24 26 Keniaek. 06 06 Best A Belcher 1.05 1.10 Lady t'4 Benton 20 Mexican 62 63 80die. 60 21 Bullion 07 08 Nevada Queen. 03 Bulwer. 34 36 Occidental.

63 64 Caledonia. 10 11 96 97 Chollar .2.06 2.10 12 13 Coii.Cal<ftVa!..l.Bo I.B6|Potosi 89 90 Challenge 35 52- 63 Con. imperial. 02 0515c0rp10n. 06 Confidence 80 85 seg.

08 10 Con New York 04 04 26 26 Mlver Hi 11.... 03 EastSlerra 4 sierra Nevada. 41 42 Eureka 25 Union Con .33 34 03 04 07 08 curry. 62 63 Yellow 30 32 1.35 GOLD MIMXi KXCHAXGE. Champion Bid ..1800 A5ked.

48 Asked ......26 00 700 Hebasiopol 35 Thorpe 36 Bid 60 Grant. 85 Bid 35 100 69 Asked 4C WO Best A Belcher 10 Keystone 100 Bulwer 35 Bid ..65 00 100 Con 190 200 Ch011ar. 2 05 Bid 8 60 200 Hale A Norcrs. 30 Asked 10 0(1 100 0Dhir. 98 600 Lock wood 'M Occidental 100 31 IMd.

80 100 86 AsKed 70 100 Savage 67 ....80 00 BKCDHITITES. Asked Spring Valley 95 00 Bid San Francisco 85 00 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. THURSDAY. Aug. P.


Asked. US US Do new 2 112 111': CalElecLSs 2d Is 65... CntraCWss 93 PAOKy6I. 118 Dpnt-stex-cp 98 Ry6s. 107y 2 120 Pwl-st RRBs.

116 Reno, WIAL 106 107 Sacto 102 3 LosAngLOs. FAN PR ss. 95 DoUnteed6s 96 SPRRAriztts 87 121 110y a SPRllCal ss. NatVlnSslst 96 SPBrRUaIBi 99 105 118y a NPCRR63.IDO 97Va NRy Cal 6s. 100 100 NBy CaJ 6s.

100 Oak Gas 55.. 102 106 110 Lo2d id 65.. 101 104 Oiuuibua os. 116 WATKR STOCKS Contra Costa 40 (Ban Maria 0.... 50 JKprngValler 9514 AH Capital SO 1 Pacific Llsrhfc Centra! I San Francsco UakOLAU 51 52 20 Pac Uaslnip.

80 Fireman's Fd 165 25 60 OMMKKCJAI, RANK STOCKS 58 Bank of 234. Merch 12 Cal 8 FlrstNationi. lbO miaw BANK STOCKS. Her 1260 1260 Say Loan. 100 1450 Security 276 Mutual 40 Union Trust.

750 BFSavUniou 480 BTBKET 10s Oak Geary-st. 65 7 Market-si 8 41 Suuer-sl iOWDEK STOCKS. Atlantic 15 Eastern 70 Judson 70 Ivtiorlt. 90c MISCELLANEOUS Alaska Piers. 89 Nat Yin BlkDCoalCo.

10 Oceanic 30 Cnl Cot Mills Pac A FA 1 Edison Light 11 I'acEoraxCo. 98 100 Gascon Assn. Pac Roll Mill Ger Lead Co. SO 100 Parf PalntCo 4 24 nutchSl'Co 20 Pac TAT Co. 72 78 MerKxAssn.lOU 110 Sunset TAT.

41 11 Klec Light United Co. MOB.Vi.VJ 20 Alaska Packers' Association 90 00 10 Edison Power 0...... 110 00 100 Hawaiian Commercial 15 00 50 Uutchinson 8 0....:.... ....20 00 10 8 Gaslight 86 75 Street 15 Edison Power Co 110 00 20 -s Uasligm 86 50 $4000 Sutter-st Railway 106 75 XSSI OX. 25 Edison Light A Power 0............

110 60 14 do do 110 40 86,75 60S Water -95 00 10 Alaska Packers' Association 00 1 20 Market-st Railway 4100 10 SV 00 An Heroic Kennedy. There was once a little girl who was so very intelligent that her parents feared she would die. But an aged aunt, who had crossed the Atlantic in a sailing vessel, said: "My dears, let her marry the first man she falls in love with, and she will make such a fool of herself that it will probably save her life." THE CALL CALENDAR. August, 1898. OCEAN STEAMERS.

tint of Prparlurc From Sun Fntnclxeo. SUN, MOON AND TIDE. T- Coabt Aicn Gkodrtic PrrBVKT Bnr-LKTis Published by Official authority Or TJIB SUFKBIN-TKXDKXT. i Frldav. August 28.

80n 6. 38 1 i100n 8.62pm Bun 45). M00n Aug: ln the above exposition of the tiiles early morning tides are fcivon the left hand column, and the successive tides of the day in the order of occurrence to time. The second column elves tlm second tide of the day, the third time column the third tide, nnd the last or rlgh: hand column gives the last tide of the day, excepi when there are but three tides, as sometimes The heights given are additions to the soundings on the United States Coast Survey courts, except when a minus sign precedes height, and thon the number pivenls from tho depth given hv he charts. HYDRAGRAPHIC BULLETIN.

Branch Hydboobaphic Officr, C. 14 Merchants' t'xcHANot San. Fbancisco. August 27. 1893.

J. The time ball on Telecrupa HU. was aroppe 1 exactly at noon i. at noon of i the 120ta meridian, or exactly at 8 p. Greenwich time.

A. F. Fkcktki.kb, Lieutenant U. s. N.


August 27. Btmr Greenwood. Carlson. 14 hours from Greenwood: lumber, to White Lumber Co. Stmr.

Protection, Ellefsen. 19 hours from Vsal umber and ties, 10 wood Lumber Co Stmr Alameda. Van Oterendorp, 24 days 9 hours from Sydney, via Honolulu 6 days, 14 hours and mm; pass and mdse, to Spreckels A Bros Co. Stmr Point Arena, Johnson, 15 hours from Albion and way ports; pass and mdse. to Mendoclno Lumber Co.

Stmr Corona, Hall, 66 hours from San Diego and way ports: pass ana mdse, to Goodall, Perkins A Co. Stmr Arago, Reed, 45 hours from Coos Bay, via Port Orford 36 hours; pass and mdse. to Oregon Coal and ay Co. Stmr Gipsy. Leland 21 hours from Monterey, etc; produce.

to Goodall, Perkins A Co. Stmr State of California, Green. hours from Portland, via Astoria hours; pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins Co. Br stmr Anuandale, Milne, 3 flays from Tacoma: ballast, to Spreckels Bros Co. Snip Yosemlte, Fullerton, 10 days from 'i'acoma; 2878 tons coal, to South Prairie Coal Co.

Schr Moro, Jorgenson, 60 hours from Coqullie River; 120 tons coal, to Kimball. Schr Nettie Low. Low, 6 hours from Point Reyes; 25 bxs butter, to JNewbauer A Co. THURSDAY, Angnst 27. Brig Irwtn, Williams, Honolulu; Spreckels A Bros Co.

Bark Richard 111, Mclntyre, Nanalmo; Dunsmuir A Sons Haw bark Santiago, Johnson, Hllo; Spreckels Bros Co. Sailed. THURSDAY, August 27. Stmr Coos Bay, Jansen. San Pedro.

StmrGeo Loomlu Bridgett. Ventura. Stmr Umatilla. Hunter, Victoria and Port Townsend. Stmr Noyo, Levinson, Fort Bragg.

Stmr Laguna, Peterson. Stmr Cleone, Jonnson. Stmr Point Arena. Johnson, Mendoclao. Stmr Scotia.

Johnson. Stmr Bonlta, Conway, Newport, etc. Ship Dashing Wave, Morehouse, Tacoma. I Ship f-i well, Rvder. Nanalmo.

Ger ship Glade, Hae-iloop, Queenstown. Br ship Celtlcburn, Linkiater, Liverpool Bark Aureola, Van Dalhern. I Schr Hill, Rudback. I schr Monterey, Beck, Bo wens Landing. i Scar Bobolink, Nelson, Mendoclno.

Scar Mary Etta, Zaddart, Fisks Mill. Teiegraphto. POINT LOBOS. August 27-10 P. Weather hazy wlndNW; velocity.

20 miles. Charters. The Br stmr Annandale was chartered prior to arrival for wheat to Europe at 37s tid. July 39 36 lone 36 47 Br ship Sokoto, from London, for San Francisco. 24-Lat 54 25 S.

80 'JO ship Roanoke, from Honolulu, for New York. Domestic NEW WHATCOM-Arrived Ang 27-Schr Albert Meyer, hence Aug 9. Arrived Aug Bktn Planter, hnc Aug 18. 1 Sailed Ang Stmr Pomona, for San Francisco. GRAYS Arrived Schr Maid of Orleans, for San Francisco.

SaiIed Aue Schr San Buenaventura, for Grays Harbor; stmr Tiliamook, for San Francisco. Passed Aug Br stmr Altmore, from Hongkong, via Astoria. Arrived Ang Stmr Westport, hence Ang 26. PORT Arrived Aug Schr Colman, from Nlcolaefskl. Sailed Aug Stmr Empire, for San Francisco.

SAN Sailed Aug Stmr Rival, tor San Francisco. Foreign Ports. NEWCASTLE, Sailed July Bark Siladon, tor Honolulu. July Br ship Port Caledonia, for San Francisco: lial ship Saivatore Clampa Francisco. July Br ship Albyn, for San Francisco.

July Br ship Kelburn, for San Francisco. Aug Br ship Khuddlan Castle, for San Francisco. In port Aug Br ships Anglesey, Ardencraig, Bracadale. Urassendale, H.ddekei. James Kerr, i.angdale, Laureloaok, Pendragou Castle, Rahano, Wlndermere, Br bark Cioncalrd and Nor bark sijorn, for San Francisco; bark Colusa and Nlc blc Dominion, for Honolulu: Br ships Mount Carmel and Port Logan, for San Diego; Br Snowdon, tor Honolulu: Br bark Tillalta.

for Vancouver. Chartered to Br ship City of Madras, for San t-ranclsco: Br bark Kdentturghshire, for Oregon; ship Eureka, tor ban Francisco Br ship Hawksdale, for Oregon: Br ships Usinore, Muncaaier ana Travantore, for San Francisco. Arrived Aug Schr Lyman Foster, lrom Port Hadlock. DEPARTURE BAY- Arrived Aug Ship Columbia, hence July 29. Arrived July Br bark lnveresk, hence Hay 2.

Arrived July Br ship Snaigow, from Fort Blakeley. SaiIed July 16-Br ship Bothwell, for ban Francisco; bark McNear, (or San Francisco; stmr Neptune, for Apia. July Br bark mark, for san Francisco. July Ital ship Cavallere Ciampa, lor San Francisco. July Bktn oeo Perkins, for Fiji.

July Br ship Jupiter, for Puget Sound. In port, Aug Br ship Rlalrgowrie, for San Francisco; Br bark Blairhoyle; Brshlp Cromartyshire. for San Francisco; Br bktn Glenclova, for Puget Sound, to sail Aug 4. Chartered to Br ship Falls of Halladale, for San Francisco. SaiIed July 17-Br bark Astoria, for Oregon.

Juiy Br ship Travancore, for San Francisco, via Newcastle, NSW. July Br bark Clalrmont, for Port Townsend. POKT Arrived July Brshlp Andrina. from Port Gamble. SaiIed Ang Br ship Fannie Kerr, for Liverpool.

PLYMOUTH-salled Aug Br ship Pass of Balmaha, for Hull. Arrived Aug Br stmr Belglc, hence Aug 3. Aug stmr Warrlmoo, from Victoria: bktn Irmgard, hence Aug 2: bktn Dimoud, hence July 30, Aug schr Watson, from Port Blakeley. Aug Jap stmr Mlike Maru, from Kobe. Aug Stmr Alameda, from Sydney.

balled Aug Stmr Australia, for San Francisco: Brstmr Belgic, lor Yokohama. Aug Brstmr Warrimoo, tor Sydney. Aug Bktn Archer, for Francisco. Aug 22 or Haw bark Andrew Welch, for Sau Francisco. Haw bark Hani sails taday for New York.

Jap stmr 31 like Maru sails to-morrow ior Seattle- Movements of Trans-. 4.tlaatio NEW Arrived Aug Stmr Germanic, from Liverpool and Queenstown. Sailed Ang Columbia, for Hamburg. Arrived out Aug stmr Fuerst out Aug 27-Stmr Sailed Aug atmr Kaiser Wtlhelm II for New York. Sailed Aug Stmr Teutonic, for New York.

Arrived out Aug Str Prussia. Sailed Aug -Uinr Russia, for New York. Arrived out Aug 25-Str Obdam. Sailed Aug simr Veendam, for New York. Arrived out Aug 27 stmr Massa- saUed Aug stmr Mobile, for New York.

BROW Passed Aug stinr Britannic, from New York for queenstown and Liverpool. Passed Aui; Simr Albano, from New York, ior Hamburg. Importation. PORT Per A raco-63 head cattle, 13 kees 26 bxs butter, 1 pkg express, Isk coin. Coos Bay -700 tons coil, 174 pkgs mdse, 26 sks bark 31 bxs butter, 10 cs cheese, 14 bdis hides, 1 cs gars, 1 bdl pells, 6 pkgs express, 1 sk coin, 3 bales flannels.

POINT Per Point 4 dressed hogs, 10 nrkiris 12 kegs 37 bxs butter. 7 bxs and bbls bottles, 2 bxs plums, 5 tanks, 1 pkg mdse, 1 bowl, 3 coops chickens. Per 2 pKgs mdse, 44 sks oones. Santa 3cs cheese. 2 bxs butter Ics eggs, Ibx organ, 2 bdls leather, 1200 bbls lime.

Moss ca eggs. Ibis butter, 304 sks potatoes. bbl grease. Moro Cojo-733 sks barley, 1172 sks potatoes. lilanco Its eggs.

SAN DIEGO pkgs 1 cs clears. 2 iioise-i. 33 cs seed. 168 bxs lemons, .1 cs 13 bxs oranges, pKgs 1 1 cs lard, 4 3ks beeswax. bxs limes, 28 buls tallow.

j. pkg mdse, bxs oranges, 23 sks garden seed. Los Angeles, via l4 pkgs mdse, 106 cs oatmeal, 46 cs tobacco, 2 cs pickles, 10 cs flour, 17 cs crape juice. 7 pkgs mdse, 1 bx lemons, 16 puncheons wine. 9 bxs oranges.

Los Angeles, via Port Los Angeles 119 sks bones, 94 kss mdse, 450 cs oysters. Port Los puncheons wine. Santa 7s pkgs mdse, 32 bxs 1, ox 476 sks analone shells. 274 sks abalone meat, 12 sks crawfish. sks barley.

Los OH 1 670 sks wheat. sks wheat. San Lv l462 sks barley. 29 sks beans 400 sks oats-'v Santa sks oats, 64 sks beans. Los 94B sks barley, sks mustard.

Port Hariord-1 butter. 40cseggs, 5 coops chickens, 4 coops fowl, 2 coops ducks, 3 sks mustard, 2 coops pigeons. 29 dressed calves. 1 bx turkeys, 1 cs cheese, 84 bxs apples, 4 bxs pears, 1 be peaches, 1 bx tomatoes, 11 bxs fish. v.

Per State of 26o9 sks bran. sks shorts. 1112 sks flour, 1679 pkes paper 31 cs salmon, 82 pkgs furniture, 125 bbls sals- ks hides, 21 crts bams. 126 cs paint, Ilia ti.i.i 119 sks salt sides, 6 cs eggs. 14 crts 10 pkgs household goods, 7 coops chickens.

499l cs salmon, 5 pkgs express, 300 sks oysters. Per Dodee. Sweenev 4 Co rialsht; Hiimer. HredhoiT A Sen all; Erlancor A Getz Bros Co: Marshall. Co ThomM Loughran; Ross Hewlett Wells, Fargo Co; Langley A Michaels: sII Frank A CO; Brewery: JBaodOO Wooicii uillls: Brewing Wangenhelm.

Steriiheim l.owenber; it o. Per Point Martin. Kiusier A Co: Standard oil Co; Hewlett; Wilson A Baectitel Getz Co; Baker it Hamilton FBHaight: OB Smith Smith's Lash Store. Per American Union Kish Co; Paclflo Coast Fish Co; Wiuel it Standard Oil Co; De Bernard! A Co; Dairymen's Union Marsnall A Reiiners: Wheaton, Breon Stevens Co Martin, Feusierdt Co; it Co; Sacramento Fish Co: Dairymen's Union; Kirichman; Western Meat Co: Russ, Co; Enterprise Brewery: Jonas Erlanger A Co; Chicago Brewery: Hnshelmer Bros; Moore, Kerguson Co Stone Co: Ualght Price A Co: Sf Milling Co: II Dutard; Ivancovlch it Co: Commercial Transfer Co; Labor xebaage; .1 Duffey Co; Hoffman; Nationa' Brewery: Uaneri Lacuman it. Jacobv; Johnson A Co- EC Boeder; Dal ton Bros; Hills Bros: Bowen Co Gray Barbieri Allison Jfc Co; Wetmore Bros; ellman.

Peck Norton, Teller Co; Colley; Cunningham, Welch; Milwaukee Brewery; Payot, L'pham Co; Sumneri Co; Miller, Sloss sscott; .1 11 Cain Co; Ch Teizen; Pacific Co; Hooper; M. Morgan; Hosan: Johnson- Locke Mer Co: Pac A.n-nonla and Works: A Shrock; Ilubbard; s. lacobs; Uuyer Reich; Lewis Meyerstein Co; Uarmer Co; Macondray A Co; i-reenhood. Per losy Standard Oil Co: Ohlandt A Co; Carpy Co: A Gall! Fruit Co: Cowdl A Co; Doage, aweeney Jt Co; Norton, Teller Co; Arctic Oil Works: Dairymen's Union: Geo McNear; Wolf A Son: HUbert Bros: California Bottling CO; Sargent San irancisco Chemical Works; A Fink Ji Co; nineCo: Henderson A own. er Slate of Wellman, Peck A Co- Wells, Fargo A Co; Armsby A Co I nttin Co; Morgan Oyster Co; A Gordan.

MB Moraghan: Price Co; Detels; Brown Bros Co-. CE Whitney A Co: Shelaou Bissinger Co-. Willamette Pulp A Paper Co: Geo Morrow A Co; Crown Paper Co; Elmore sanborn A Co; Darbee A Immeli; A Wagner; IS Fletcher; Hiuton; Stockton Paint Co; Jno Ho'stman; Mack A Co; Klngan A Co. FINANCIAL. grain, provisions and new YORK STOCKS.

WtiBELOCK 4 Leldesdorff eL Main 1954. BRANCH OFFICE 63 Market Si, Palace Hotel. Tel. Main 6828 J. S.

I'IUDV, Manager. instantly executed on latest, market quo- tations. Reference Ist National Bank, s. F. yiuvATi; wikk.

MtLW york. lv. Mo. Tu. W.

Th. Fr. Moon's Phases 1 Quarter. Augjst 1. i 3 4 5 6 7 8 August 8 I 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 i 3 Firs: Quarter August 15 i 16 17 18 10 20 31 23 24 25 2S 27 -i 28 29 Full Moon.

-sJ August 22 Quarter. I 30 si STEAMER DESTINATION. SAILS. PIER. Orizaba.

Corona Pomona. State ot Cal. Eureka Trucwee Sunol 7. Santa Kosa. Rio Janeiro.

Coos Mexico Panama. San 1nec0. Kel Hiver COO 3 Vie siw Urays Harbor Oregon ports. -San 1 aanlna China Japan NawDor: Portland A 28,12 Auk2B.lUaM Aug29.llAii Auk 29.10 am Au)i29, 'Ira 9asi Van Sept. 1,12 sept 1.

Bam sept 8.13 Sept 2.12 Sept. 2. 11am 9 ah Sept 3, 3pm 4. 9am Sept 5.11UM Pier 11 PM SS Pier 13 Pier 11 Pier 7 Pier Pier 13 Pier 24 Pier I I Pier 8 Pier 9 Pier 2 Pier 13 Pier LI Pier i PAIS Pier 11 I'W-r it i Time 5 ii Feet Time I. Feet Time TTav Feet Feel 23 4.16 30 6.00 31 7.36 1 0.33 2 ,1.32 9 .9 TO 3.9 3.6 3.5 34 9.06 9.62 VV 8.44 9.2f) 9.59 2.1 i 2.30 .6.3 2.9 265 10.24 3.3 3.35 5.3 11.23 ft: 11.10 3.6 6.35 4.1 12.44 3.6 6.62 4.4 2.00 3.6) 8.00 i Hi l.v; 1.0 0.7 5.

6t 6.7 STEAM I Fr(Sm Duk Rio do City of Newsboy Eure Crticegc Cuy. Del Tnickee. Banta Koul. Mackinaw Coos Area Walla Columola Colon. Hanoi.

AniEO Nona State of Ca 1 China and Victoria runt: soana Tllla m00k.V. flu mboia: Grays Haroor iCei Coos Bay Oregon ports V. Viifiuins Portland Victoria P0rt1and. Panama. wrays liartwr Coos Bay Humboldt San Dieeo.

Aug2B AUS 28 AUK MS A lie 28 A us Aub'J9 Alls 29 Auk 29 Auk 29 Auk 29 AUK 31 Auk 31 Sept 1 sept i 2 Sept I Sept 2 Sept 2 Sept 2 Sept 3 Sept 4 .4 Sept 7 WMTED-Overdue Accounts FOR COLLECTION. CITY COUNTRY FOREIGN W. S. MORROW, 130 Sansome St. (Tel.

Red 411). N. B. No charge unless successful. List of 8.

F. references, mercantile and professional, gratis and post free. OCEAN ASTORIA AWPORTLANII $6 Second Class, $12 First Class, MEALS AND BERTHS INCLUDED. Columbia sails Aug. 16, 26, Sept.

6, 15, 25 State of California Aug. 21, 31, Sept. 10, 20, 30 From Spear-st. Wharf (Pier 24) 10 a. GOODALL.

PERKINS Genii Supts. V. COXttOA, General Agent, 630 Market street. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM yfcSSu Broadway wharf, San Francisco, follows: For Mary Island, Lorlng, Wrangel, Juneau, Kit. Ilsnco and Sltka (Alaska), at 9 a.

11,28. For Victoria and Vancouver (B. C), Port Town- send, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and New Wi atcom (Belllnzham Bay, 9a. m. 2, 7, 13, 17, 22, 27, and every fifth day there- after, connecting at Vancouver with the C.

P. R. atTarorca with N. P. K.

at Seattle with U. N. at Port Townsend with Alaska steamers. For l-'ureka, Area a and Fields Landing (Hum. bold Bay) str.

Pomona 2 p. Auk. 1, 6. 9. 13, 17, 21, 2" 29.

and every fourth day thereafter. For Cruz. Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gaviota, sonta Barbara, Ventura, Hneneme, tan Pedro. East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport, at 9 a.m. Au- gust '3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31 and every fourth day thereafter.

For Son Diego, stopping only at Port Harrord (San Luis Obispo), santa Barbara, Port Los An- reles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport, 11 a. M. Aueust 1. 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26, 29 and every fourth day thereafter. For Ensenada, San Jose del Cabo.

Mazatlan, La Paz and Ouaymas (Mexico), steamer Orizaba. 10 a m. Angus; 27, and 29th of each month there- after. Ticket office, Palace Hotel, 4' New Montgomery GOODALL, PERKINS A Gen'l Agents, 10 Market san Francisco. OCEANIC S.S.


S. AUSTRALIA for HONOLULU Only. Satur- day. August 29. at 10 a.

m. Special party rates. a S. ALAMEDA sails via HONOLULU and AUCKLAND for SYDNEY, Thursday, September 17. at 2 P.


Agents. 114 Montgomery street. Freight Office, 327 Market San Francisco. COMPAGSIEGEIfERAL'TIIMSATLASTIQUB French Line to Havre. PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH River, foot of Morton st.

Travelers by this line avoid both transit by English railway aaj the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New YorK to Alexandria, Egypt, Via Crst-ciass $160; second-class, 10. LA 1 XT Ati August 29, 3A. K. LA BOURGOGNE 5, 9a.

H. LA NORMANDIK l2, SA.5 A. st LA 19. 7 a. it LA 0A5C0UNE.

26, 3 a. v. For further particulars apply to A. FORGET. Agent, No.

3, Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FTJGAZI A Agents, 6 Montgomery avenue, San Francisco, WHITE STAR IM. United States and Royal Hail Steamers BET KBIT New York, Queenstown Liverpool, RAILING KVEKI' WEEK.

CABIN, $60 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- mc to steamer and accommodations selected: second cabin, 0: MaJ-suo ami Teutonic. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and cabin plans may be procured from W. H. AVERY, Pacific Mall Dock, or at the General Office of the Company, 613 Market street, under Grand Hotel.

W. FLETCHER. General Agent tor Pacific roast. ROUND THE Select parties, under personal escort, will leave Vancouver MONDAY, Sept. 14th, and San Fran- cisco October Bth and 17th.

i The Annual Party will leave Vancouver MONDAY, Oct. 12. SING EXCURSION And Circular Tour Tickets, by all lines, at lowest rates. For programmes address THOMAS COOK SON, International Tourist Agents, 621 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY.

STEAMERS LEAVE ABPINWALL fortnightly for the West Indies and Southampton, calling, en at Csrbourgh, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. Through bills of lading, in connection with the Pacific Mail S. S. issued for freight and treas- ure to direct ports In England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Cherbourg, Southampton.

First class, 9195; third class, $97 60, For further particulars apply to PARKOTT Agents. STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington At 0 P. Daily. reiK'i.

received up to AI. IS" Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. 1 tie onU- line through rates on Valley Road freight. T. C.

Walker, J. D. Peters, Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. Telephone Alain 805. Cau and Impt: Co U.S.

I AYYY ARD. MARE ISL YALLEJO, 'Port Cosia. ffmckeir and STR. iMONTICELLO, Dally 10:30 a. 4:00 p.

M. (Saturdays a. it), P. it Sundays 8 p. M.

only. Offices and landing. Pier, 2, Mission st. Telephone Black HATCH BROS. 4 and 8 P.

K. trips only. Excursion trio. Gives 5 hours at Navy-yard. FOR 811 JOSE, LOS SASTA CRUZ STEAMER ALVIBO LEAVES PIER 1 DAILT at 10 a.

k. (Sundays excepted) Alviso daily at ,7 P. m. (Saturdays excepted). Freight and Fare between Ban Francisco and.

The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.