Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

i ir yi'y iiyp-yfgpbHfMay gp yf ny '4 PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1960 73 Musical Inst, for Safe 1 81 Dogs, Cats, Birds. Fish 1 9t Automobiles for Safe 66 Business Opportunifies 54 Houses for Sale, So. Hills 60 Farms-Acreage for Sale JA 1-5027 TV West 17 in A-l AMBASSADOR. 1957.

V-8; overdrive; extias; ex elient; sacrifice, $795, All ghrny 1-6201, DAIRY Farm, 130 acres, all modern improvements. Priced for quick Kale R. A. Wakefield. Bedford, lolc-rain Township.

Phone TH. 7-2224. Pnm pups akc BR 9-5877 or 9-5205 Puppies Wanted Pay Cash rn-state Zetland. $310 Saw Min Bun Blvd TU 3-3U0J Open 12-9 p. m.

2KNI7 new I960 television. Hi-Fis. consoles. $149 95. Payments Year guaianiee.

Jacobs, 2010 Carson HU. 1-6444. A Mention, Tavern Owners! We loan money to help remodel, consolidate ym.tr nteaent hills. AT. 1-9885.

1 tORP. BAR-Restaurant-Hntri East of turn mer, in reoit tiea. Modern equipment. Call BK. 8-890J, Llgonier, any afteinron.

CIA East Suburban Houses For Sale rtNV HILLS Vi ACRE LOT 1 bedroom ranch pith finished tame room, convenient to shopping and tranportation. 1 Mock walking ds-lance to elemental arhool, sewered wall-to-wall carpeting. Immediate pn. etion, 26 1 00 FLOCOS REALTY CH. 23332 11610 FRANKS rOH HD.

OPEN 9-U 52 Houses, Sale, City Sub. FOX CHAPEL BORO fitUfitM Fd substantial horn bnrk A hi construction, 8 laige r)mp un loom, tumput room. lano-tcaned lot garage. cio-e JuhnU A amportatmn. lire $26,150 Mr, Thompson HI 1-6141 v- CO.

MO. 1-2AOft 6-toom bio. finished attic, new basem*nt F.xciHlont condi -irn Near schools, tram.porlaUCn, JA KKEK farm hits. Diamond Realty, bj Couithouse; Butler, Pa 7-5275. Pup ml 10 wk free gd lime MU 3-627 70B Office Equipmt for Sale BUICK 1 95T Super 4-door -aefian.

Radio and heatei, aiitnmatif trtna-miNSion. Beautiful green flniahe E-cellent rnnditlonJ Priced fa- guie 1850, Tuxedo 4-4054. Ult. hi kk. tiprrui, roNvmrmir, S79.V DVN4ILOW.

R.4KIO, HI 4 1 1 K. 4194 IMIHM, $.1.1 Pl.R MONTH. KM. l-a(l3H. HI IKK 4 fulfill Til lnSK 1947 I 94ft I9M HIMNT III.DSMOBII.K CO.

WF4T VII.W. PA. HE. I-IEOH IRWIN 3 houses, ft rooms, bath each, on 3) acres. One mile fioin turnpike Interchange.

UN. 3-4911. NEAR Delmont 1ms $750 up a iso acreage. Dclmnt, Howatd 8-608O. SUPlERY R-vk udd rek I-Tke aica, 5 acre tracts, $1250, easy lei ms.

Buller 7-4569. MT. LEB. AREA, ST. BERNARDS New brick.

olonial; 4 bedioom. tile bab. 2 powder rooms, Jarre living-nm stone fireplace, family sue, complete kitchen, Dili diningroom; lexel Inf patio; 2-oar gaiacc. sirie-alK- landviatvd. Real buv, $36 RhO.

bROVVM.P.L HI ALIY. LE.1-4301L 1960s GREATEST BUY! imarmt being able to buy a stone home with breeieway and attached 2-car tajftiie. ftnihhcd gameroom wnh bar, 3 fireplaces. 1 bath, corial and stable, 50x30 swimming pol. nestled on 2-ane lot only 10 minutes south of Alt.

Lebanon, for lea than $30. non with immediate po session and terms arranged to suit young executive. This home must be sold, so don call unless you want the buy of a lifetime. RYMAN English Setter Cun dog 1 Big, beautiful, blue beltnn. Does it all.

Steady, points, ba ks, retrieves. Responds to voice, whisile. hand 2 inal. Hundred of birds shot over Will show movies of same In anion. Will sell only to responsible person deoring a gentleman shoot ing dog.

Chance of a lifetime to gel a real Ryman dog at bargain price of $350 90. Call Dr. Herbert Morrow, New Alexandria, 74-R-2. BURROUGHS bookkeeping maihlne A-l condition Must srt appreciate. Sacrifice.

HI. 1-9800: JLN 3-9790. TyiJewrltcr Royal office $45 PO 4-6734 OFFICIAL filIDE to many bargains; the Want Ad Faction. ftHADYSIDE Convenient, tans, re-fnseralor. sink, 2nd.

utilities, $10 50. MU. 3-6243. BAR and hotel, good business and good condition. FI.

1-2212. CLUB License (for sale). 450 mem-beis, downtown location In N. Pa, city. Beautifully furnished and deenr-a'ed, air conditioned.

Long tease. $J2 00.Wule Box 1683. trie. Pa. CONFECTIONERY Grocer? vtock and fixtures.

$1500. llnesj, leaving city. WonuerfU o.uonu"-i 125w Pennsylvania North Side. rONTRAn TRUCKMEN Blake s. Trailer furnished If aver 2 i write MATU)VMK, Bos 107.

UdiAiuptilis 6, Indiana. 61 Summer Places for Sale PENN HILLS 6-room, 1y-story brick, Integial garage, on quiet, included, dead-end street: 1 block transportation. $16500, $660 d-'wn, $105 menth Includri exerjr- thing. McGill. PK, 1-2443.

PENN HILLS Sacrifice: ft -mom ranch, cat prune, di apes, landscaped, storm rim. scicens, possession. Emerson 1-0172. WEST Mifflin New ranch, ft-toim. liiF bath, eiectric kitchen, garage.

3 tnfurmshrd aecond, recitation room. HO. 1-3420. 70C Cameras Supplies SCOTTIR, Dachshund. Pekingese Pup pin.

All AKC. Inoculated. EH 5-5184 Kml sniml Abrd cgf $5 1 0 ft A 1-1216 Cmra mov Rvre 8mm $20 HA 1-9048 WKIMARANERS Th. Harton Double. Trouble.

grandchildren, Very re. HI. 3-2559. 52A North Suburban House For Sale CABINS Lnf siding, 16 designs. 1-4 bfdntoms; financing.

PE W123. DEER Lake ParT FeautTfulcut-log dwelling, lane living-room with stone hrrplac. birch kitchen bath and powder-rorm. three bcdrwms and bal nnr sleeping space, full basem*nt, IftO-fnot lake frtintage. Completely fuimstied.

Joseph (2. Conn Agency. Uninntnwn, Pennsylvania. Phone Cit. N-CK08.

WlRE-Calrn Kerry Blue Terriers Resutered. Terrific Pets. BA. 2.4449 KEYSTONE 16 mm movie camera, never used, $75. SP.l-5808 PHOTO equipment SEaiSL' Speed Oiapnic.

dash, him hnldns, ta Rotumaster print dvr. Solarmatle 45 rnlarer. 5x7 Paco contact printer. All like new. Will accept old S.

coins tiade. Call TI. 3-4378, EXCAVATING business, good- steady conti act-, all excellent equipment, aell as a unit. Victor 2-6133. ALLEGHENY CO.

NORTH. W1 Dffr i-benioom. buck um wiii tinier FHA. Collax 51665. Tennyson 5-3863 Baldwin 3-5270 n.VN HII.L $17.

00 Custom Split Rock Bungalow .1 bedrooms, paneled livme room, laree kitchen. I1'- baths, gameroom. patio, childrens play arra. Just 6 yr old. within 3 Mocks to all convenience Walk to imhonlt.

Nice faml home Mr. Palumbo Eastwood Realty CR. 2-7700 ROYAL UC. PARK-MT WANTED 3 u.Cd 4x5 GrafmaUC holders. OL.

5-2429 evening. 61A Camp Sites for Sale CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE you par over $6 OPO'a for a fine ear if you fnuid get th exact same automo- bile only slightly used lr leva than one-half the co vThls beautiful beige convert is like new Lhrnugho 'hax full power and full deluN ('adillac equipment. Fine all leather seals, whitewall tUfi i that are tn perfect eondi tand many, many extras. The full prlre of this beaut hi 1958 model Is only $2995 and we ll pay high for your trade. Step up to fadrllac, Jg.

our low rate bank rfinanclws makes It real eaey. W. Motors5- 731 Butler Etna -C STerling 1-5671 8mm mov teluhoto A-1 SMI LO3107h ALTMAN'S 81 PER "4 FELDS W't deliver from 1630 Weal Csrvait St. T. I-H765 767 Penn Wll knuburg.

CH. 2-8770309 Tripoli Nerlh Hide. CE 1-1435. GENERAL Store Enon Valley, Pa. Modern fixtures, like new, No old merchandise.

Call Kdeewater 6-3'M or writ Bo 136, Enon Valley, Pa. ICE Ball Concessions Truck Equipped with 2500 watt, generator, self retng-erated drink machine, pop crn machine. tiuck route. TU. 4-1645.

LADIES' mxrtwear shop, excellent location. Oakland- Sauiflcc, $1,800, MU. 1-5539. Lou Koebfrl Kennerdt Clmtvle 5-4351 70D Hunting fishing PENN TOWNSHIP Mr flr.t time tn "tier thl nry t-tractive brick ranch, picturesque setting. exquisite taste.

Ideal for famtlv living inside and out. So much to shout about so please come and see ft rail Rrtur Anderson, Vandvke WHIIRMUISIN FA. 1-1D30 BRICK Fill For Sale, delivered East Liberty area. LE. 1-0888.

62 Hunters' Lodges tor Sale A. H. Eos tran tun. 32-lneh barrel, A-l. ST.

1-1900. MOST UNUSUAL Sanicftntmporory: 3 bedrooms, botk and powder room, living room, center fireplace, dining room, oil leetrle deiuie kitchen. 2I'24' ex tended root patio, breeteway go rage, basem*nt gomeroom area, fireplace; large fully londscoped earner lot with a 10mle view, 126,400. Coll Today! HU. fttAGllX Hb.AL I AIL pi.

2-2040 76e Old Retiobu tor It Teon BELLEVUE, North Spicgur. 10room bmr. excellent income i iwo comemenuy located. $18,000 pft olar 14236. CHRISTMAS Trees Especially for churches, municipalities A orgsnira-Hons, pine and spruce, 1ft to 35 rt tall.

foot, cut. Llgonier, BE 8-7043. NEWSPAPER Kjanchtje Good business: excellent potentials; sideline. Amherst 4-6423 4-4645, MT. UBANON VIKA.

IMA MANOR 4 Bedroom Split Level Distinguished bv good taste, giarivus modern hung, yet designed tn the home-like tolnnial atmphere we all iove. th whole family will like the slate flonicd center hall, the charming lumiretf electric kitchen with Its unique bay window ideal1? arranged for table, ptmnc will seem mote deectable In the room dining rm the 26' living room fares rear overlooking lawn and eol wood-v surrounding. white Colonial fireplace wail with built-in bookcases. 2 ceramic tl'e baths, 3r gamensom opening onto rear patio, Truiv a magnificent home lovely to look at and hc In Asking $4 500. WESTBROOK LO.

10566 MT LEBANON Vicinity, St. Clair Heights Split level. 7 TOm, 1 lt baths; attached garage, with Urge side porch: landscaped. $18,500. BR.

6-23M. AUTOMATIC Shotgun Used. 12 Remington 58. ex cond. 1X3.

3-6336 HUNTING lodge, Cameron County: 2 buildings. acres. 25U foot liont-age on U. S. Rt.

120. mile 1 1 tn Mrrluig Run oervne station. Fiee-port. Cypicss 8-4000, SPRINGDALE New 2-bedroom brick, rouble. $11,000 each aide.

McGill, PE. 1-2443 BR 1.5845! Guns (500) bargains Guns wanted top Few telling, renting, buying vnur best 1 1 toe 'att Place yur classified ad today by calling EXpres 1-4700. Wonderful ORGAN BARGAINS CONN Full Manual, large pedal clavier wet $1800, now $1500. WURLITZER Like new. Spinet, originally $1395, now $650.

LOWREY Spinet, I-yeer old $92.56 down; $25.22 Month; Now $890. HAMMOND Church model $1990. LOWREY French Prov. Cherry $945. ALLEN Organette 6-Mo.

old $1695. All instruments are fully guarented. 10 down. Low Interest. KAUFMANN'S 8th FI.

CHRISTMAS Tree. Scotch 30.000 Any amuunl, 60c eacli. VA. 4-487ft FARM SCREENED ToFk)IlI CALL ICANAL 1-4002, PI.7.A House Business and equipment, good Uvation. tiL.

7-8606. 12 gauxe Fox double, 16 gauge Steven, single. 22 Winchester pump, 1 dozen airowt. PO. 60144.

RIFLE, Custom 257. Roberts; new Feilach baurl, Unertle si-ope. Fned four times. Call Court 1-2047, Call CAnal HUNTERS Attention Just liMed 67 as res, well w-xulrd and gxvd deer hunting section, Mercer County, ait quick must be sold. $4,800 (Stream on proicriy.

House has conveniences. 1hmre at once 3185. Cmmanton E. Rheehan Real Fatale. LOTS 50x75 $50; 5 miles north of Butler.

VAIley 4-4875. FARM screened lopsoll, 1-4003. TURTLE Creek Brick. 2 apartment house, tn good condition. Very good in vestment.

$9,800. VA. 3-2819 WHITE OAK 3-bedroom brisk ranch, built-in kitchen. ceramic bath; asphalt driveway. Price son.

DON MeMAHON sn. IRWIN IN- R-ino BERKELEY Hills 6 moms. 1 baths 3-rar gArace, lesel landsrancd a prsj- schools, enurches. FA. i-5349.

u. 4-lMn. 93 House Trailers RADIO and television repair store and shop, Dormom Completely equipped IcAte and ph-ne number can be Iran-ferttd To settle estate. Contact George Ingram. 204 W.

Green Street. OonnelUville. Market 8-4110. FOUNDATION PLANTING Evergreen, shrubs trees, fresh dug, at our nursery, all sues. We plant nr you plant, reasonable.

Call anytime, Lehigh 18964, 71 Household Goods for Sale 63 Out-of-TownReal Esf.Sale RESTAURANT filly equipped. Lrae suitable tenant. Modern equipment. Reasonable. Will finance.

Leasing due to Illness. Woodland 3-8106. BRIGHTON Road bolid brick, 4 -bedrooms, solid copper plumbing, hardened throughout, contentful. 326,000 P'-plar 1-PQ47. FUTLR County, haxonburg Stone Tanch 5 yeanj, 2 bcdrfns, 1 baths, attached garage, full basem*nt beauinullv lam-siaped.

Twmdn inflow waIIs, one acre Jot. restricted duplex pres. Owner, FL. 2-2612 alter 4pm RT. WILKINS 3 years near propertv MT.

LERANON Near park and high sfhoof 5 betlrmms, 3lv baths, game-room. level driveway, 2-ear garage. Owner, 1.0. 3-1271. MT.

Lebanon. Beverly Road Area, 451 Laytnn Ave. 3 bedrooms, dish-vasher. Walking distance all schools, hopping: 18 minutes Downtown Owner. Locut 1-2879.

BEE-LINE Trailer 14 sleep 4, Koi eat 4-0227, DEMONSTRATOR Sale! All mobile homes In stock. 30 days or more. B' Priced almost at coni, l-eechburg Mobil on Rout 56. TOP Soil 6 cubic yds. delivered In North Hills Sl8 5ft Hunting tralleretle at cost HO 2-3091 STACK NURSERIES FO.

4-B474 1957 Richardson. 33x8. bath; sleep Complete Land-raping service PPrccutc $1,800. AM. WALL-RTONE 4to 6', blue.

Ihtn Township story brick. old. 5 rooms, unfinished attic, Parkway. 15 minute to Downtown. Owner transferred.

VA. 4-6238. 500 Slnrle or tthout alteration 50x310 t2 rwin 3 bath 3 garage nea- school AcUmntnr log available. Owner. ChurrhtH 3-6553.

ALL kinds home appliances ooid. rented and paired. Reasonable rates Call HI. 1-766 -HI, 1-7673. ANTIQUES off 1195 Pinehidlow Rd.

at 12th (Hilltop). McKees Rrx-ks. ANTIQUE Wanted Good prers. Cut gla.s, Steins. Mu.

3-2220, 10-5. STATION and Grocery Store (Sale rcnii, with living quarters or 7-room house, $13,900. Zelienople 469-J-l 18 ACRES, located on route 27. five miles lium Wells but W. with modem 2 bedroom house, two car gaiage.

four room and bath apartment attached small lake we. I storked, fiuit tree ic. Thlt property must be seen to be appreciated. A eal baigain at $75 OOo. t'an be financed.

all Wellaburg Republic 7-1 7 9u or write, E. M. Fontany. Box 30. Weilibuig, W.

for Apt ref GE rge 4 brn $50 VA 3-5318 Bed sng mpt Ik nu brown: quarry run; quick delivery, Orchard 3-6495. rORTIFY YOURSELF For those rainy days. We have several fond income properties, duplexes A ide-hv-sidcs. priced from $900 and UP tall Mi. Mormon.

VK. 1-4900, settings FOret 6-0U7 HAMBURG AGENCY MT LEBANON Vicinity Excellent Co-Inntal; nice lot for children, near rhnn and transportation; 6 room, playroom, laundry room, 2-ear fenced undeck. Re at 2408 Marrow Place. Bf'hel Park, or call LE. 1-3989 1958 Royaaft 35x8.

excellent, $2, 800. UN. 3-7857; PE. 1-4958, BANTAM hauling tiailer, good tire, $100. PA.

1-5349. FO. 4.5846. STUDIO and Camera Shop 10 years in best plaa. Requiring capable portrait photographer.

Valuable franchise Rirrh ftxtuies Thora MeDannell-Schoessel. 812 Pla.a Blvd Erie, Pa TAVERN Profitable operation. Sewn klev business district. Partnership drsa'rreement reason for selling. Sc-wirkiev 97 13; after 6 p.

m. Sewitk-ley 162.V Bedspread A orps grn silk JA 1-7937 Bedrm 3 pc mahog $35. MO 1-llftft Blond drssr it deskrbe $35 PE 1-0497 86 Landscaping L1GOMEH 26 acies Hilltop properly, Beverly 8-2647. BRANSTRATOR I860. 50x10, 2 front kttch sacrifice.

VA 4-3110 (Treat'' lakes mobile trailer, f37. WILKINSBUhG D0U8IE CLOSE HIGH SCHOOL AND i.RADL HOOl.S 6 large rooms, 2-car saiage, each aide, new roof, new hot water he Ais. ca furnace Quick al.e price FRANKLIN TWP 3-bedroom, brick loon Call Mr Gentile, CH. ranch, on 2 acte. birth kitmen.

built Herringer Realtora. i H. 1-7846. In tange, oven, hvingroom, diningroom, with window wall, cathrdial ceiling: baths; playroom, witn fi'cplace; North Allegheny school, $19 900. Scwickiey 3U6J-J, Sewicktey 2470 V.

BALDWIN Township Modern 3 CAMERA, projector, electric blanket. dlmnjrcKim furniture, miscellaneous. MO. 1-9723. WALLSTONE.

$5. $6 50. $8 50. $10 MT. WASHINGTON A rare opoortunity to get a fine duplex on Olympia near the Park and Grandview Ave 5 room.

each. Separate gas furnaces, See this at 820.000. Tudja, Realtor EV. 1-8700 TAVERN Profitable operation. Se-wickley bur-- district.

Partnership disagrr- -j reason for sale. Sewtrk-lev P.1,; Rewirklev 1628 after ft. delivered. Walk, patio. Dl pont 4-88101 Priced for quick sale, $2,750.

45x8 -4t washer, dryer; fully equipped. Green-WALLS70NE. $7 t4 $8 50 per ton. bui Temple 41385 after 5 p. m.

delivered. For quality. Its Mali! quality. Chest A dresser mah $20 TU 2-4560 HAVE your old piano hauled away free expertly. BE.

3-9975. Stone Quarry. Elizabeth 601. 87 Poultry Supplies NEW fi-room ranch home with tuck and cedar, hot water baseboard heat, colored hath, large patio and garage atiacnrd. Beautiiul earpet and floor covering, drapes, Venetian blinds for other equipment included.

For a aae-rifice pi Ice of $12,900. Ideal for retired couple. Phone lotmarline. 1 or wntt Robert Weaver, tine. Pa.

6 -ROOM house, 2-car garage. 5 acre ground, plenty water; 8 mile from Indiana, Pa. Inquire Steffy fterv.u Indiana and Cljmer Road Rt. PON. Plano Weber grand $300 CA 1-8608 70 Miscellaneous for Sale 16' Shasta, like new.

Gas appliances, sleeps 6. KE. 7-4069. 195ft Travelo, 42x10, 3 rooms and bath, completely furnished. Immediate possession on available court lot.

CsjT finance. SY. 3-1891. Mt. Washington 4 rooms, hath, transportation.

Rc8. $8000 HU 1-7640 bedroom brick ranch. 15 minutes Pitta-buigh Kin location, immediate occupancy. Jnqun owner. 806 Highvue Rd.

or call LO. 1-2372 CONTENTS of Entire House Danish teak wood dmtngtnom, set of table and 6 upiiolsterel In blue chairs Danih teakwood riKkine chair. Nest of roewood lable. Danlh dihes. wrdlh classes.

All delivered from Copenhagen this winter. AIo moilern sofa. 2 tier tables, refrigerator, bed piano, chest, chairs, miscellaneous 384 7 low Arid Ave. 14. 1-0979 PIANO Wanted For church activities FA.

1-9531. niBsONIA 3-bcdroom brick ranch, corner, $2 500 down. HI. 3-2519. 1NOOMAR 9-room brick, ga furnace.

garage. $18,500. Forest 4-6584 LONGVt'E Acres 3-bedrwm home. large lot Transferred. Forest 4-954 2 ORCHARDS-' If Edw.

M. Ryan YEARLING Leghorns Good $1 each. EC. 4-7575. ARGO Fence," Chain Link fence at a lower pru Up to 3 years to pay Free estimates EM.

1-7468. PIANO Spinet, mahogany. Coat $1195. Sacrifice. TU.

1-3229. THOMAS Electric Organ 350, Call after 6 P. M. Edison 9-9918. BALDWIN-Whitehall Tri-level brick.

2-vear-old; 3 bedrooms, paved driveway; landwaped lot. convenient. Owner. Olympia 5-4 622 94 Motorcycles Bicycles 6 yr crib chest Blrlr $25 FR 1-5529 88 Horses, Stock Vehicles JA 1-0539 SPRINT, DALE Lake With 10 acres. $15 000 Suitable for recreation de velnnment.

tall Broad 4-6595. Bike boys 26" $15 HE 1-7051 Desk fine dccoratora Desk chiids A chair Aquarm all sizes ST 2-24 15 eve BRICK 2 5 per 1000. Free local delivery. EL "Furnace 140000 btu $195 PO 1-3939 GASOLINE lawn mowers. Good condnl-non.

$15. FO. 4-6474. 74 Vearing Apparel for Sale Bike 26 boys 1 5 MA 1-7384 1-3 26" English racer 24" boys CH 1-405 MAMM. HMC.H1S Mlbl liHR 1VM Charming ranch styic.

.3 latge bedrooms. tamdy size kitrhen. Ld 85k 155 1-car attached gaiage. jne location for children. Ru A school Corvr-rtent.

Asking $15,900. ail Hii.fv nvtALR, br. 1-0995 DeSIMONE R. E. MO.

1-3424 BALDWIN NOTHING DOWN New 8-rm. brick ranch. $14. 85ft. level lot.

near bu A school Payments $125 per mo. Nothing finwn. no closing rc. if qualified. TO TTY AC.fNCY TU.

4-1800 64 Wanted Real Estate HORSE Pony Equipment English. Western saddles, bridles, carts, harness. Western clothing. hats, shirt. Art Saddlery, South Park, Pittsburgh 36 i Olympia 5-4589 49 Harley Davtsnn $300 AM 4-3541 Boy clothe husky 10-14 JA 1-6828 Boy clth six 16-18 1-3442 Csh Nat I 1C-S5 99 $35 TU 4-6517 CH 2-5117 Golf clubs new MU 1-8069 1-8517 Fur scarf 3 skin A-1 $35 Gris dresses cts sx 14 $15 WRITER and wife desire small house Villi 1i 1 n'P, 1W11 itt-gf Ol'lll" den, bath, powderroom.

Ampie kitrhen and diunette. Shadyside Sq. Hill, Oakland Arra. Brokers Interest Invited Box J-181, Post-Gazette. Dng rm 1QP chns gls ST 1-4 44 4 DININGROOM 8-pc.

Large dresser with mirror. PE. 1-2770 mornings. Ding 9-pc $23 7201 Stranahan St 6 Dingrm 9 pc wal A-l $65 HI 1-8042 Drapes Ik nu $50 cst $250 MO 17085 Dryer Hot Point elec TU 4-4369 FORCED to Sell New l.ivingroom. Bedioom Kitchen furniture.

Carpets. Rue. Range. Refrigeraior. Freezer TV.

Hi-Fi. Take over Payments. $1 50 weekly each. Hills AT. 1-6842.

REGISTERED miniature donkey at tud. 34" high. Imported fiom Sardinia. Suitable for huiros or small pomes. Phone Janndge Farm, New Alexandria 99-R-21.

Reg. Polled Hereford. FL. 2-2947 HARLEY 1959 74 FLH. excellent eon dltlon, $995.

ST. 1-1900. Harley Divl5o tTsS 1 6 5 MU 2-5434 Schwinn Traveler Al $30 JAl-aJ53 TRIUMPH 1956, T-I10, exrellenrron dltlon. Sacrifice, $295. ST.

1-1900. Hearing aid like new VA 4-3238 HOFFMAN-X With 21 tube boiler, BR. 9-468S. BALDWIN Twp. 1000 Block, Htgh-view Rd 3-bedroom ranch: 900, S-bedroom ranch with hip roof and overhang; $17,000 Kravec Construction FI.

1-6106 McCANDLLSS Landscaped buff buck. 2 sto.y, 3 bedroom colonial, in Long-vue Acres, near transportation At hupping, forced air heat wail-to-wal ci-ipetmg. dishwasher, etc, $16,000 pmcipals only Forest 4-5flo4. 65 Mortgages JUKE BOX For rent anvwhere. Wedding parties, etc.

OL. 3-1087. 88A Farm Equipment 95 Boats Watercraft McCANDLESS TWP. 4 rooms bath on half acre; $6,500. lew taxes.

Call Mr. McCann. W'E. 1-4775 WKITERiHAl SEV. NORTH HILLfi FREE.ERS New floor model large selection.

$95 and up. Buy-Trade. Terms. Sewlckley 774. Furnace comb coal A brnr VA 4-3319 Boat 14' Lyman 35 h.

Johnson electric. Tee-Nee trailer, all 1957, reasonable. DR 2-6054. Itat A Martin 75 eng $11HK l-70ftl McCANDLESS Park Meadows. 3 giory brick, 4 bedroom.

Landscaped Ih0i 300'. Tianaferrexl, reduced. $27,900. FO. 4-7625.

MAILING LISTS FOR BUSINESS MEN that demand big and positive results. Millions of Prospects. Cla'Si-fled, Educational, Religious, Contributors. New Births, Housewives. Radio.

Mail Order Buyers. Agents. Salesmen. Investors. Wealthy Individuals.

Ffc. "Special 50,000 Small Town Department stores. Buvmg Direct Most any list. Our 39th year. Write WALT WHITE.

PG, 3122 Calumet Ave Chicago. III. FURNISHINGS Executive hrne, includes llvlngroom. television, bar, di aperies, freezer, odd piece, art objects. EM.

1-7979. i LOANS Homes and Cnmsirtism 80 CHARGE UNIE-6 LOAN IS r.fAMTLO ONE used Woods Bros. Combine, $200 down. Ford 250 haybaler. A-l condition.

$300 down Terms to suit you. Pasce Farm Sop'd? RD Pa. Phone OX 5-7227fBA 5-2080 n.KARANCF. SALE Side delivery ha rate. Wood Bros, corn puker, Ford 25ft havbaler, Ai condition, 100 down.

Terms to suit you. Tasroe Farm Simple. RD 1, Oakdale. Pa Phone OX. 5-7277 or BA.

5-3080 92 Trucks-Tracfors-Trailers 96 Auto MT ROYAL 6-room ranch. 3 year pld; landscaped, paved drive; extras Owner Hunter 6-2966. 76 Machinery, Tools for Sale 40x30 RANCH $14,900 Bath Powder Bm. A wonderful big borne, an nnbefier-abl value. Aimnl 0ti q.

ft. living spare: 6 HIE ROOM and the master bedroom ha PRIVA1E run DI ROOM. Beit nf ail the Orchards i a prestige select community of the largest most KLAt Hit I. LOTS you have ever seen. Close schools and top trolley transportation.

HOME LO. 3-1320 PETERS TWP. 6-ronm. brick ranch; double garage; acre, plus many extras, priced for quick aale. Owner.

Wl. 1-8680. ST.CLAIR" HEIGHTS Deluxe 3-brd-rm ranch. 1, baths, complete bu.lt-In kitchen, many extras, assume 5es, mortgaE. AKin: $24,500.

Lfavtn? state. WA. 1-0981. COINTT SACRIFICE ILLNESS Route 19, 3 mile aouth Washington. Beautiful 4 bedroom home, 20 ft.

stone wall with fireplace. 2 kitchens, 1 1 bath. Integral garage, game-rnorn, wmk Shop; hot water heat. ep-aiaig 2-car garage, 16x34 swimming pool, 8x1ft wading pool, 96x34 pattn. bath house: 10 acies.

400 ft front age. $27,000. Baldwin 3-1960. Whitebait 6 rmj, on busline 1 1 000 CRANM1R IT. 4.6336 FURNITURE WANTEO large malt lot call hi I-2C90 After 6 (all FR 1-1077 FIT.

ROYAL 6 year brick ranch; rlavroom area; near schools A buses, $16,000. Hunter 6-S320. MEAT Slice rs 2i mniplee, excellent rond very reasonable. JA 1-2906 New A tied Fixture. Sack Store Fixture Co.

1201 Penn Ave. AT. 1-M908 Mt Royal Village, Shaler 6 room brick ranch, city water, sewerage. ntreiv landscaped $24 800 ALUsON PARK RIAL LSTATR HU 6-7500 CADILLAC led parlt. fende.

bumpers, fnlis, hoods, wheels. MU lb tu 5 Uknyt Dammlg '33 Buick prt chp HU 63631 Mercury 54 dismantle BR 1-8268 aft 4 4 tlrea Volkswogen SlObT 2-2415 es Junkcarsjramed FL 1-62S6. 2 snow trds 760x15 mnted TU 1267 Air emprsr 5hp Ingr $650 HU 6-5703 FORD 182V tractor. with Ford loader. 13-foot baekhop; A-l, ready for work Farmall 300 utility tractor with Chawnee loader and backhoe overhauled, guaranteed $0Q5 down Term to suit you.

Pacoe Farm Pup-ply. R. D. 1. Oakdale, Ta.

Phone OX. 5-7277 or BA. 5-2080 Furnace 80.000 BTU S50 VA 4-7711 GAS Heater, 2-piP'e Uvlneroom, Bervel gal refitgeraior. WA, 1-8983. OAK Lumber Variou size.

Reasonable. FO. 4-7575. BALDWIN AS NEW AS TOMORROW This bir. beautiful, multi-level home has 3 bedrooms, den, sepai at dining ruom, unitized kitchen, huge living room and l'-i baths and is situated on a Urge level corner lot.

An ideal family hom*o prlred right $22 500. BRENTAV OOP R1 Al.1V TV. 2-5BLO I VV Being transferred: 8- vear, 5 -room, white brick: integial ga-ra beautiful yard1 block streetcars, St hoof, pool $12,800. Owner. FI.

1-2306. evenings. BETHEL RITHFRED ACRES MUST tU SULU MAKE YOUR OFFER 7 roms. 4 bedrom. 2 bath, large l.vmgroom.

with fireplace; separate diningroom- integral garage. All on a perfect landscaped 75x200 Jot Has been FHA appraised At $21,000, but make your offer GEO. A. JONES SONS LO. 1-5955.

IE. 5-1100. RE Till I. SHADED 6 ROOMS Here lx that RARE one. A rutlr-loiking 6-room hruk, 2-xtory home on a level 75x150 wooded lot.

It is a clean ax a pin; ha wall-to-wall carpeting. Jog-humm? fireplace. Most important It 1 Just a few steps from both trolley And Khonls, $16, 500 SOUTH PARK REALTY T. 5-7733 LO. 1-5955 If No Answer fall TE.

5-3H4H Heater crc Moore $15 FA 1-4939 5-6 HOT WATER heater, Instantaneous; good Call ifur 6.30: TR. 6-2427. 36-t('n pre, 60-ton press: 31x9 CC lathe. 18x5 CC lathe, 16x24 CC Heater gas 30.000 tu 25 EM 1-2693 SHALER TWP. 1 5.900 F1ured.

quick sale. brick ranch, fiewly decorated. 6 yrs. old Pefect rnnditton. Integral garage.

Storm win-gnvr. floors, patio. Owner. HU 6-3027, SHALER Township College Park area. Beautiful 3-bedroom, split-level landscaped wall-to-wall carpeting.

CF kitrhen. dihwaaher. duposal. range oven, $19,900. Owner.

Hunter 6-3170 kite inginuring, inc. SP. 1-4161 USED and RECAPPED TIRES Passenger. Iruefe. all slaa.

nerfert. Mvbw her ProdueUSUA Pena. AT17NI9 DFFlciAT GUIDE to many bar gams; the Want A aecUon. 4 Goodyear 90x14 tires ST 16735 Leather chr 2 Irge uphl TU 2-9367 OFFICIAI GUIDE to many bargains; the Want Ad section. MORIf.M.K LOANS MADE 4r DIVIDENDS ON WINGS 4 PIOPI.K bWINGS A LOAN OP ETNA 363 Butler Etna r.

1-1407 MORTGAGE LOANS Pin tad aeeond mortrsgM. Consolf-datien. eonslrvetion and etimpletion loans. FHA hasacing avaiUbie. WILL 1MKKVIMV l.N VOIR HOME BY APPnlNIVILNT CALL ANY TIME AAA Mortgage Co.

CO. 1-5274 1010 LAVv A BLDG. PRIVATE funds on hand for hard in place mortgage. We specialize in thi folinwlns: Foreclosure, distress, de hnquent loans, ground mortgage. Y'cs or no 72 hours.

red tape Dan Marlorella, Kealtof 1.0. S-5040 HANSON shovel, --vard bucket, A-l. $3,500. Canal 1-8534. OIL space healer tKenmorei, 275 callank, HO.

2-0H74. PAYMASTER check writer. Like new. Wit! accept old U. S.

coins in tiade UaliTI3-4378. Poker table Ige nev used FA 2-0347 Pool table 4x8 cue ball LO 1-1674 ROOF KHINOLES 515 $6 50 per square H. Kalson 3128 Libeity Ave. POOF g'Mnle. 215 lbs.

$6 5T rer square. H. JTalgon 3128 Liberty Ave ROTATING and niurmnalcl peidr1 watch hand stand with 1 men and ladies band; all new, $95 complete. HO 6-5631. FOSS FORD 57 FORD 4 TON PICKUP 895 RT.

8, ETNA ST. 2-3300 1958 CHEVROLET a4-t(ii stake body. A-l condition. Asking $99.5. FL 1-10Q4 between noon and 6pm LI VI Nf; ROOMS, $124 95.

Rcdroom. 149 95 Diningroom. $174 95. All new complete set, Jacob. 2010 Car-son.

HU, 1-6444. AC 4-9529 HI-LIFT T. 9 Burynts Erie: good condition. $3,000. FT.

1-6106. 97 Aufo Service Repairs WHITEHALL Colonial, owner tians-ferred. 4 twin-ize bedrooms. 24x14 hvmgroom. diningroom, 11x12, ail eleciric built-in kitchen, 11x13.

firfl flvr pr'wder room, excellent public schools and 5H. Gabriel parochial, real buy at $25,900. TU. 2-4666. Iatiir wood cttiiig tnd $.

WA i 504 1 Livrm 3 pc A small table JA 1-7749 Liv 3pc frieze grn A-l $50 JA 1-3290 UV1NGROOM exqusite diningroom wrought lion, $325 tcost $9O0. DR Liv rm nylon foam rush. BR, 1-4346 SHALER Twp. $16.300 $700 down 6-year-old. l-story brlrk.

4 bedrooms, 3 chestnut paneled with cork floors, birch kitrhen: lifetime roof, large level sewered lot; integral garage Owner HU. 6-9762, SHALER l1--story Cape Cod. 3 bedrooms, $16,900. Hunter 6-6695. ST.

Teresa Perryiville 5-year-old, bedroom briek. $15,900: large lt. 3 1 baths; integral earace, $700 iwn immediate possession. Owner, FO 4-8928. 55 Houses, Sale-Norfhside STORE Futures Cheap Quitting business.

C. Livingstone. (Mtrksbur, Va CHEVROLET 1969 ton plckub. good condition, $1300. HO.

1-2809 Loveseat A eve good $25 PE 1-5872 Maytag waher ring type HA 1-0954 ONE urd WAR turret lathe. Mode! 3-A. $700 or bet offer. Call Johnstown 9-5633 daytime and 5-3128 Johnstown night nmr, l.vons Orlad atr dryer iKempi. Excellent.

MA. 1 -0066. PRISIS For Fate -(Ued) 161-ton 1 94 0 Toledo Straight Side, 47x49." bed. 9ft ton STG-51 Ferrarue double crank cap fiamr. 27x6.3" bed; 44 ton 141 Toledo Backwheei Horn Prc: 74 ton 92B Toledo Douhle Ciank Sraieht S.de press 31x36" bed Reasonably priced Call KE.

6-5609 Detroit 6 30-5 00 weekdays. coal. ga. oil furnace and burnet $5 and up. HI.

1-9800. UN. 3-9790. HEMLOCK St. 7 rooms, gas furnace.

Airanred 2 families. Asking $5,500 $1,000 down, balance $6U month. Allegheny 1-9023. Moore ht wlnt 40,000 btu FA 1-8551 BETHEL 1 5.300 I-'. tory buck on 3a acre lot; copper Plumbing; gas furnace, patio: outdoor barpequ pit.

picnic area and many other extras; handy to everything. cH now nnuicv 516 BROW VII.LF RD. UUNLCI io4 AsHIM.mS RD HU. 1-Hin LO. 3-1313 Wine pres A scaffold MOVING 1958 Washer.

Range, Re. frleerator, Bacriflce, $100 each, PO. 1-9114. WEXFORD Area $9 900. large bath; acre.

Westmore 5-284 3 19S9 CHEVROLET 5 TON CAB A CH45M V-A with 4 speed tranmiaion and vperd TrAr md. Idghm.it ma1 hexlr- I I rvt Stats Inspection, lew rah GM4C term. Our (ntnl aeMing Price Ibft E1YEPL CHEV OLET WE buy and aril office furniture store and Shop equipment. Stock merchandise CO 1-2511. Union Jobbing Co NEEDY family deire kitchen range, good oven.

Sofa bed. PE. 1-3687, HOME OWNERS WE FINANCE The Completion of Already-Started Homes ON ANY RESIDENTIAL STRICTURE SAVE UP TO 5C By Dai nj Your Own Labor Consult I Without Obligation Y. A. Sell 11 man 11 508 GRANT ST.

AT. 1-6967 Open Daily, fl-6 Saturday, B-l Evenings by Appointment WELL pump and water loftener. Call WI. 1-8014 after 3 30. Shaper24" gdcondreas HU 98 Vanfed Automobiles NATIVITY PARISH 5 j-bed room, brick home, in excellent cndition; Just minute from all convenience Can be outs for only call now Jack Moeller, WE.

1-3351 Wl NDf RI.V-W LSTON Af.lNt INC 5HADELAND Ave 3506 1 or 2 family brick i9 rooms 1 2 kitchens 2 hatha 1 In baement; clean througnout; carpeting. Venetian blinds nice yaid. evergreens, home and income. $14,900. Owner PO.

6-8656 1.310ft' Tl RTLR CRFIK 70A Radio-Television-Eqpmt. HIGH rrirr. for rln cr Pu. -1411 Saw Mill Run. Ik 'TWO larre Dravn g-fired warm atr heer.

one 1.250 000 BTU. one 000 BTU each complete whh MH electric control center and ft HP fan motor Excellent condition Can be had for 2 000. Write Bo C'66l pnst-Gazette. 3-Room Outfit Brand New Furniture $, BRENTWOOD BRIlm I wsJOO 3 1rPe rooms ga heal; In excellent location. Handv to bus, schools A shopp'nr A-1 inside 4 out.

Keys at Ml. HI RBAN RLTY. J1 1 BRENTWOOD Brick duplex, comer lot. block to bus Double separate garage, new separate furnaces, storm window it screens, Venetian blind Excellent condition throughout. Just $23,500.

See to appreciate. TU-4-6161; FO. 4-6984. STF.LI,!r.TO!l Hrir.His WEST VIEW vw sractou 2 -story. Colonial homes, witn up to date touch: 3 or 4 brtnom.

with family and finished gameroom. I1? to 21 ba'h modern kitchen, with built-in oven, ranke dihwasher and disposal. landscaped lot, talking oiMaive to im i ping ttansportation- one hico*k to Highland Country Club See these heme before you buy. Call BR 16267 Emerson hl-fl A-l $75 99 Cars Trucks for Rent 498 SHEFFIELD, 1415 2-story brick. 6 mom, gas furnace.

Good condition. $6,900. McCall, Poplar 6-9216. 78 Machinery Wanted -TON pickup arid driver lor-' hirt. MU.

3-3772. 56 Lots for Sale we bu? used equip-, tools or wha have you. Call HU. 1-5051. FOSS fo.

FORD '59 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO PICKUP 5 1 595 RT. 8. ETNA. ST. 2-3300 101 Small Loans Licensees WE BUY MORTGAGES J.

Shermer, Frirfc Bldg. OR 1-6961 BOBER HILL FLORENCE 4 bednn. brick home. 7 years old. 'w carpeting, large level lot.

FLORENCE BERKELEY HILLS Beautiful rnrner lot 80x163, Ideal fr split level, all unities. CE. 1-2263. 80 Wanted fo Buy 100 Reroodiftoned TV' BR04DW4T PPI lftft Reconditioned TV No Reasonable offer refused AH sites 12 TV'i IS 17" TVs 20 21" TV't 35 Tr nof $1 HO llarlinK 27 ficlyrn Tuh-, InM.II.A Fff! Ail.tV Pl( Tl TI BT $7 AO I'f BFtsrn ASS, IIPF'I TO cash iv, Radius rrc. AS-I'-HAIT TV RADIK RFPAfR BROADWAY SUPPLY.

INC. FinvRAi i.ACiim rA. i-aiiaa 66 Business Opportunities GAC FINANCE CORP. I-04SH gUK KI ftlrapllbed Mefbo 625 8mithftei4 Ai, FE. 1-01 1 345 Fourth 4 TO AT.

1-1167 ISO 8o Hirnland MO 1-6400 INGOMAR Half acre lot; aer well-pump. $3,500. Forest 4-6584. BROOKLINE Woodward Ave. 6-room.

4-vear-cld brick, double lot, garage, patio. $15,200. LE. 1-3123. CONSTIttTTIOV.

INC. Istidcr of Better Hones Cl. BA. 1-9689 Pey 04 low os $5 week ofter smoH down payment for 3 rooms of new mod ern furniture for living room, bedroom and kitchen. Electric REFRIGERATOR ond GAS RANGE (reconditioned) included ot no ex tro cost.

F8Ff DFUVC8Y U8 Tft 75 MILES. COME SLE THIS AMA2ING OFFER Om Sat. 50 1 Federal S. ANTIQUES Caxh Unwanted lewelrv, silver, cut glass. Arnheim s.

May Bldg 117 6lh Ave. GR.1-822.3. Coal furn used EM BERKELEY Hill acre and larger, all utilities; near school, churches. FA. FO.

4 5846 Chev 54 pnl Al 325 WA 2-1545 BROWNSVILLE 4346 8-room nouse double garage, perfect location. 6 miles suhurban Pittsburgh If Interested call HE 1-9495, 9 a. p. Active Partner-Investoi Man nr woman needed establish race snap business with nnvel, unique, repeating sales gimmick. Market possibilities tremendous.

Include all particulars In fust letter to Box K-06 Po-t-Garrtte. LO 1-9144 VA 4-7602 i36 nt. c.itlf nf -n 695. Hobart 6-1560. Oriental rug (used) Jewelers lathe 53 Houses for Sale, East End BROWNSVILLE Rd Ranch 5 rooms, 75-ft.

front. Only $14,900 fRANMl.R R. Tl. 4-6336 Porcfi lur ep screen F'R 19638 MONROEVILLE, corner RosecreM Dr and Poviar Approximately 3 acre. Utilities available.

Drexei 2-6752 before 2 p. m. Gibsonia I acre reas. MU.3-651 6 MUNHALL Approximately 5ft lots or 12 acies surrounded by new homes. $35,000.

HO. 1-3420. I Old time wood fife MU 1-893 TV SERVIfT 2 50 plu, parts. Anywhere. Work puarantred.

Richards TV. rail FA. 1-9047. TVMotorola 3 1 In gd HA 1-4707 APPAREL shop Clothing for entire family. Hermime, Pa Established 15 vrars Owner leaving stale.

Gilbert 6-5161. OAKLAND Gooj investment. 14 rooms. 2 baths. 5 garages.

Reason-anle. EV. 1-3312, I Used chuch pews CJ 1 J3 6P WANTED Bakery equipment, any site. CO. 1-2440, or evenmss HA.

1-6084. WANT la to 2 HP motor, AC. Churchill 1-1777. C4RRICK 2i SIORY 2 FAMILY HOME SI 1,900 9-rnom brick only 80 ft from Brownsville Road 2 family set up, 2 full taths. hurry can R1 Al-TT TT 4-2400 GREENTREE Rd.

118171 3-bedroom ranch, convenient bus stop, gohools. ROSS Twp 60x260. country setting, utilities, $1700. Owner, FO. 4-5928.

PAINTS. 3 gal. $5. 30 m. waitresses $5.

Railroad Salvage, 405 Market St. FOSS FORD 58 DODGE TON PICKUP 1095 RT. 8, ETNA ST. 2-3300 PHILCO upright freezer. 896 pound capacity: A-l.

5P. 5-6921. WANTED Presto-lit torch In good condition. OR. 3-2716.

Everybody needs money sometime when you visit the FAMILY office nearest you! Phone now for a loan UP TO $2000 RANGE Electric. Excellent $100. Underhill 3-7601. WE buy ued equipment, tools what have you Call HU 1-5051 PITTSBURGH BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1 SERVICE-SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT GREENTREE City Atnng $17 500 3 bedroom ranch, 5 minufr to downtown Pittsburgh Immediate occupancy. Mut be sold Owner, LE 1-9273.

HOUSES fur All Reasonable. Good locations Terms. Call Jacob Fhll-liPS. 6264 Htoad BTaNTOB" HEIGHTS, Hawthorne St. -story.

brick immediate Bssess oii, $32 900. Owner. Sterling J-1758. STANTON HEIGHTS. 4351 Stanton A1, near Fu Station Dandy little 9-rocm.

brick house, arranged 2 fam-I'ie-- Very lew taxes Asking $14 50n. tvMGHl REAL EblATL. 1 M. 13044. SQ Hill Greenfield Area 3 apartment nue Must be sold due to sick-nej Li'e 1 apartment free Rent f-em other 3 paya mortgage, $14,900.

Hazel 1-9120 WAH. PIERS 1WP. 4 6t full acre lois In exiluslve restricted development high elevation. Cleared of wooded. unequalM or panotamic view.

Other lots available in Nottingham, stiahane. Upper St. Clair A Bethel. Sinno to 6000, GIANT OAKS REALTY WILSON I-77C0 CH 1-7613 4 ft Jewelry show case Range 30 in Tappan lk nu FE 1-7725 RANoE GE. electric.

Practically new. $80. TE. 5-5877. 81 Dogs, Cats, Birds, fish REMODELING ta DIESEL A Gasoline Tractor.

$700 and up. Fleet maintenance records available. Mr. Gettig. Baldwin 2.7200 WOODED Jot.

acre, all utliitles. panoiamir view, ideal, must be aold; acrifire. Slrrllng 1-8315. ASHES. RUBBIS HH A LIN ASHES, rubbish, general hauling.

Reasonable Prompt service. CE 1-6937, ADDITIONS and remodltng. Porches, bathrooms, gameroom, kitihens, windows. hmeison 1-8425. MT Lf BANOV OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNSET HILLS $18,900 492 Haverhill P.d brick Colonial.

10 years 3 bath, gamcronm, attached garage with pnrrh Beautifully decorated. Nr. school A transportation, large lot. Can assume 'e mortgage. Owner, Call LE.

1- birecilons' Cattle Shannon Bhd. to Anawanda to Bioadmooie to Audobrn to Country Club to Meridian to Haver- mil Efl Ranee llvtngrm a 1-7476 Bet Range apt siz Ch $2 5 TU 1-ftOflft Range Tappan A Carted AM 4-4298 EF RIflERATOR Raneys irhrrv Bought A Sold. HA 1-9900 JA 1-4280, Ref gd working order res. HA 1-3017 Ref GE goodcond $11 HU 1-5680 REFRIGERATORS, ranee, furniture, very reasonable. OL OL3-1612 Ref Srvl gas 9 cu ft reas PO 6-6369 AKC, pup: alo 14-month female, started.

HUft-5993. Aquarium all size ST 2-24 1 5 eve Aquarium 0 gal complt VA 4-8688 2 aqurms gal emp MA 16428 BASSET puna AKC with children. for hunting. Blalrsviiie 8123-R2 53A ABI.NET MAKER East Suburban Houses For Sale 57 Investment Property ADDITIONS Modern windows, kitchens. h3ths.

porches, drives. FR. 1-0127 HEATING CONTRACTORS CABINET Maker Best in town, over 30 yrarx eanciience. Cant beat us in Inlaid. wiod.

ivory and metal work. Alo reflmxhJnc and uphohter-trg If vou want the bet, forget a on ut the ret. Call Antique Upholstering, Fairfax 1-3866. PI. I.

Li VI 60. BKV4NT RENTAL PROPERTY 9-anarment houe. Potential monthly gros $235 Excellent condition. 2-ar Uonvenient icvation. Call PO.

1-9237 after 4 3ft p. 1955 Fflrd. F-600 traclnr $245 1952 White Tandem dump $1383 GMC 1953 tractor $1083 White 194 plate dump $125, All ttuok read? for the Road Beeney Motor Sales Jnc. Unionir-wn. Geneva 8-5311.

FORD 54 V-8 pirk-tip. Excellent covtdl-tlnn and full price onlv $347. $47 down, balance very small monthly pavment. BY JOE NAGEL JR. EV 1-2988 P.

8. Alto nice selection of Volkswagen, pick-up truck. Mirn bue sedan, suntop and mnvertihles. All brand new and reduced to sell. A.

WEIDNER 14 Grant Ave. TA 1-2574, 8T 1-1 145 IIKilUlHlD ELM STREET S10.500 Lage brick hc-me, 4 bedrocms 2nd Bar schools and tratifp nation va-rant lmmed.afe p'essjon. Owner railed us from Texas and a "Slash trice to $H) 500 and sell immedia'e-fv call now Mr. Oisen, CH r-1 60S fitctlLLOCH A PEt II, BR 1-9200 Ref Frig 7 cu ft gd reas LE 1.4092 LE 1-2195 LE 1-0249 e. I'.

9 Rf Coldsptit 535 Ref West large A-l $30 CARPENTRY CARPENTRY Cement work. riater-tns. Odd Jobs. Driveways. CH.

2-356? CHAMPION FURNACE CORP. 10ft0 Walnut 81. FE10192, F15h68 Boxer pups akc $35 ea WI 1-9486 Bgle gun dng A pups akc TE 5-9381 Beacles 2 frm 9 mo AKC PE 1-1297 BeqglerallagesS10 up OR 8-2679 BRITTANY Spaniels AKC. 4, months. Beauties.

Reas. Evans L'Uy 2882, Spaniels. 5 montlis: AKC. morulaled; I unung struck. WJ.

1-6919 Cats 2mls 1 fem fr gd hm KV 1-5391 Chlhuhua pups AKC SO 7-8633 Chihuahua 2mls 8w akc TU4-3412 BROWNSVILLE RD Brlrk, 2 stores. 3 anls. InMcnr 500 ear. 4l8.5oo Kleins, 814 Brookline Blvd. LO 11 ttoft BUILDING ADartments sfererorm office Potential month1? gto $400 Mononcaheia.

Pa. $30 000. Tennvson 54433. MT. Lebanon 8-ronm 2-story with sunken livmrrnnm, dlnlngnm.

all electric GK kitchen, famllv roim. entrance hail, 4 brdrocnis. 2 full baths, gameroom area 2-ca- garage, $32. 500. Owner, 1.0.

3-3 165. MT LEBANON EX CTUSIV Attractive 2-slnrv English bM'k 1ut 2 blocks f-om Markham School New electric built-in k.toien win rheiry cabinet oihwaxner and disposal 3 3rd of CEMENT WORK RUG Large. Oriental, excellent; sacrifice $800, (Cost $2,200.1 MO. 1-97 23. Rue 9x14 gry wol $75 WA 2-1830 ev Clf ITLItS SERVICE A HLA1INO LO.

932 Ridge Ave. E. 1-8182 EASTGATE Manor l--story hr if k. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths finished basem*nt.

fireplace, c-immunltv sx.mmtng oo $21 OOP Owner. DR 2 2702 JZ SEWING Machine Necchi Automatic rig-rag. perfect condition, take over pavments $9 month, balance due GEORGE KOTII ROOHNti A IIIMING Ruelltnn Kd. 4ollax 5-1913 CEMENT work, garage, drivewavs path', id(walks. CH.

1-0823, CH 1-0422. CEMENT-STONE New, renatrs. patios, etc. Contractor. LO.

1-67 3 2 DORMERS NORTH Side 5 lovely apartments, priva baihs. 2-car garage fine location. net income. sHUng price $16 non fall Mrs. Singer, FA.

1-1010- FO 4-5901. B4RTLEV-O NLII.L Cl. HI 41 ING A lE.Nl 11.41 ING 30 Isabella St. 41.. 1-2 BA COLLIE Puppies Registered.

l.i tvpe, $35. Inoculated, wormed. 2-4449. WILKINSBURG 11 rooms partly furnished. 3 large rooms, bath.

1st-. 5-room, bath. 2nd; 3 -rooms hatn 3rd. Very ronvement. PE.

1-2728. DORMERS 28' $745, 3 aluminum window, siding, new roof, gutters, down spouts, lucent. PK. 1-6182 COLLIE Pups AKC. gorgeous sables Stud service.

Term. LO. 1-5374. roRr hiu.6 BRYN MAWR SI 6.500 Pea-an brick anl tile home, 3 bedrooms, Mi bah, porch, garage Beautiful rnvate lot. Owner.

CH 1-5654 FORMAT-hTlI 6815.900 S7 Oil DOW Ji KEY AT Dl OFF ICE A brine Colonial paMu room- Nw hrick 'colonial home Imetod 1t lo, excellent neuhhorhood; public ann parochial h'il. Immediate rccupanry, Miins Agency FR. 1-4227 bedroom on 2nd and one nn Well landsfaped lot wth plenty shade tiees. Asking $24 500. STEVENSON.

WILLIAMS RFUrORH LE. MT. UPENDS 4 bidrooms, 2 by ms TUB DIR ROOM (t AMI tn eay nalicing distance to I-ebann public srnonlx A park, bue? iate enrv 22i 3 ft livtm. A dinrm. Keatt'fp OUrSIAKING 58A Bus.

Property for Sale DRESSMAKING Alteration, tailoring. neat work. EM. 22540. DACHSHUNDS In miniature Red.

adorable, clean puppies. Reasonable. BA 2-444 9. Dachshund pups AKC reg BR 46493 Dalmatian" Puppie akc regiateicd Terms accepled. Reasonable.

WE 5-1041. HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 908Pen FE. 1-7 200 Parkway Furnace A Supply Ine. III.

J-UKOO. III. 1-4776. 1032 Lincoln liny. West.

1 N. $-9790. A I. ROOFING lHFVnNG CO. (Sucresor to Wacener Bro.) CE.

1-1. 560 (R. PO. 1-1412 Mount Market Iquipment o. 145 N.

Collfg M. Washmalon, Pa 4. 5-0460 4. 5-5228 CO. 1-8000 fi.r.

ROOM ith- all M. a'sn senaiate? rherrywond pwdtm. lt fir. 4 separate bedrms. crrain'r fc a hi A picture winnow jn 20 ft gamerm FOREST H'M 2-rrv 5-rcvm brick asphalt d-ne, landscaped lot.

Jmmed 2 bahv itn' level of. Mut 'M $5fln0 down $29 600. fin An, 4 04 1. STEYART BF.OS; LO. 1-6908 EXCAVATING EXCAVATING-Grfldmg Guaranteed Go anywhere.

Free estim. TU. 1-7294 GARAGE DOOItS FAMILY FAMILY FINANCE (Leons up A00 1 Dalmatian pups purebred Hl3-3763 Doberman Pin ml 4 mo AKCCO 62666 Dng large yng ml lire TU 1-9128 Snfabed wht Utherelle $25 HO 2-1413 St a rjcdudng bl $100 WA11410 ea JA 1-4482 FOSS for FORD '58 DODCE I TON PICKUP 5 1 095 RT. 8. ETNA ST.

2-3300 7 Ford 1948 panel trk $80 VA 4-4270 ERUEHAUF tandem 28' frailer $850 single axle tiaMer $350 trailer 4 wheeler $500. Butler 7-1844. 1956 Fiuehauf Thermo-Kine trailer, new 331; tandem. A-l owner must elll Altoona. Windsor 2-1 297 GMC 1959.

plale dumn mdel -3 3 3 only 8.000 miles. Like new. $2650. Butler 7-1844. CMC 3931.

model 450. body. $87 5. Weaver CH. 2-2776.

1954 GMC. 3 cylinder diesel model 4 70 tractor, full? equipped. plate New engine. transmixMon overhauled rniiber. ExrelJr it shape New Inspection $1830.

Butler 7-1844. SHEARER'S HEATING 1437 Wtyrr ly St. BR. 1-4542 Twin bed mnhog $25 St do ech 3 way Imp $5 COr.IMORCIAL MontnevilJe, 5000 ft MnssidP BIvil Route 8 near Turnpike 6.3 acre 600 ft fiontage, penn Hill Ed. 12,000 Sq.

It. Dink bldg. 1 ane land. Call Ben retteg Eastwood Realty CH. 2-7700 MT.

LEBANON 6 -room Coirtnial, only 1 1 year old; FHA anproved: low down payment- centrally ated hrau-tifuMv flfco-ated. level ra plav vard: 817 ono Red buy in I ebanon Mt. Lebanon Sale. Fi. 1-8201.

60 Farms-Acreage for Sale MODERN Overload garage doo'- Changeover a specialty electric on-ei ator repair and installation. Residential anJ commercial. Fred Miller EM. 1-1507. ENGLISH Springer Spaniels AKC Kilim, 575 Micrman Ave.

Vaynes-but 1511. MTFriMI III I NG CO. Dinner Bell Kad KD 6, Butler, Ta. FLVMHRS 2-222J FI I-I225 Free beautiful puphb HAITING HA 1 -74 4 5 Wardibe cost $140 MU 2-1973 Wahr A dryr comb bike AM 4-4298 Washer wnif type A-l $32 EV 1-6051 Washer Thor wngr gd $2ft TU 1-2047 Washer aut sudsaver $30 1-0 1-2033 Wxhf iT Ir'yr RCA $150 PO66637 TU 1-9128 Free kittens ail colors WFST FND IIFATINU A AIR CONDITIONING CO. 16 Wabash 1-1HMI, A.

1-866? 1 ELE.OliryiAIiERS- GEN. Hauling Rubbish Yard. Cellar! Cleaned Rc.xs. PE. 1-4864 evenings.

JlbrsiXI.EAMNG MT IFR4NHN Viemltv. in heautifui Greenndge wcimn nf Castle Shannon- BUTLER CO. FARM 24 5 acre, ga, GF.RMAN shepherd 8 weeks. AKC. beautiful large black.

NA. 5-1013. GERMAN Shepherd Female. 10 month, black-tan; granduauehter of Rin-Tln-Tm: $35. Grover2L8392.

GERMAN Shorthair Pointer AKC. male, ticked. $50. LE. 1-6416.

German Shep pups AKC SY 3-8324 Wnr wrg fvn A lii Pnftir Ml! 1-1184 IRWIN AREA till U. FOR MMIIV 4 oedr'Vm lJ- ba'h one ranch on wei lanflyaped J'-t within to propo-ed new s(hri FHA, appraised. T'dal price $17 90ft DON MeMAHON RT 3ft, IRWIN N. 3-1600 6 POOM frame house, furnished, wall carpet. Peasnahie Leaving 1-r Call OR.

35442 aftei 4 3ft ftONEOFVILLE. Carden City Drive 3 bedioom rar.h near swim- rrT.g p-oi Under $17,000. Owner, Ieje YOU call, 1 Jiaul anvtimt or anywhert seasonable. CE. 15592.

WasJier GE aut $45 BR 9-3731 WE will auppiy. all materials nerra-aiy On 6-' and 8" modis 3B Optical Co. for Coast lntruments Hilltop 3-1178. Elegant, modem 45x26 brlrk ranch, i 11 on larce level i-t 3 bedrom. rtmnc- ranch home, ba.h farm hotie.

mom. finished gameroom. jiveg'-al ga- barn, other buildings, lake itrxked, rage. nd nat.y cxMa Th; tl a $31 inn dream hut muf sell due to IN BAXONBURG New 6 ro-m rtvh tranfer Owner 822 00. To see this home, beaut'ful kitchen with built-in PAINTING heating, city water 72 ween, rail LO, 1-2551.

TOP SOIL Swaps PAINTING exter. Well known estimate. Fedrovtch, WA 1-6205. GORDON Setters AKC. Robert English.

Evans City 2744. radiant sewage. SEAR garden, farm, 25 acreaa, gvd barn, 6 room Snuth JUIla. Interior. faim bouse $15 000.


PA, tLCIN 6-2256 FILL Dirt $12 per load. A-l 'fa 1954 DODGE xedan for motorcycle Call FT 1-1900 FAMILY CONSUMER OISCOUNT (Lan avor S00) DOWNTOWN 53 liberty ATIontle Mm EAST LIBERTY 100 Btu WOrtroi. 1 -C' HOMESTEAD 255 I. I Ml HOm.st.oM 15E NEW KENSINGTON 77 Fifth Art EOitm l-j; CHARLEROI -Y 511 FsllewRtld A. HUdto 1 RAPDOCR )1t Ith Sf BRo.KywIn 1-1 WASHINGTON W.

Ch'fwf RAIdwi 24 -ARNEGIR 0 I. Main Sf IRwmf 42 Ht eta ftioaa lor rraai "I GREAT Danes Choice pupnie. proven tud. Harltquin and blak. Bra Mey Kennels.

Ltgonier. Beverly 8-8211. PAINTING Interior exterior 19 yrs experience. Roland HI 1-2188. TV Motorola 21 for MA 1-7463 SO Model A pickup A-l TEEE SERVICE Huky all shots $15 PLASTERING 73 Musical Insf.

for Sale KFESHOND Puppies Adorable cuddly "Telriv Bears. Children a pets. BA 2-4449. PLASTERING. Painting, Wal hanging.

PE. 1-1369 or CH. 1- -'aper Oil. FRANKLIN TWP ArmUrnng Co. nr 18! acr.

s. 6 t'vur home barn, other building, hay. grain. A all equipment l.feH ESTATE 126W. PENN FT BLTLER 7-5ft91 87-ACRE farm, 8-mom 12 bain, bath elec, ph ta, rn tonhp road Gool deer hunt-85500 Newell Creek Wm.

bbeian. Ru'e 2. F'd-ed. ra TRFE Removal pd pruning Yards Cie an ed Haulifi EM 2-39 8 0 7T1EE rurgerv for cemetery loti, com- piete. TA.

-5606 after 2.30. TRKES-hruhet y. cleaning, pruning remov. Free Taylnr. PO 6-4830 2 WHITE truck with Garwflnd packers.

OR. -OR. 8-7726 STEEL Haulets Will lease vour trar-toi. with or wltliout tiatler. Company tia'ler available.

Haul steel fmm Pjitshmgh area to New Jersey. New Yok and New England State Return haul. Gall Mr. Shndtn. Homestead 1-3100.

I PLASTERING, Painting, Wallpaper hanging 11569 or CH. J-7011 PIANOS WANTED UN 3-8906 Poodle pups blk 9wks AKC WE 5-3476 Pekingese pupa 6 wks akc Pomeranians AKC reg MONROFV1ILI. e.J rothTg flown on new 6-rnrrr hrrrk rn- 1 Total month. payment fr ANIGHN HU'tl DR 2ft5o NORTH HINTtNGDON TW 110ft I 4Ki MON'T DRI4F t- nrL xVJ m-Biri Plp of rhor, r'm Meqn. ft-rnn rr ranch w-th nd'w in hv- r.g--m an'4 r.in-nrrm tnr c.ir of JJsnn.

ajv-b wjr vHnt inrvMtr 4x n-cVw ll cx (HOUSER BUSHk REALTORS PLASTERING, paperhang-ne, painting. Int -exf paper removal FR. 1-012? Tr. 1-1703 LO. 1- 36 I 5 rpRfC.HI r.RWDS WALLPAPER REMOVED POCiDLES White tin? toy.

champion bloodline. $150 up JA 1-6181 KOOFIXG For selling renting, ftuting best bet ice p.m.caeMe, WALLPAPER removed. EV. 1-4351 snmWs Experienced Free Guaranteed- Go any where. ACCORDrONS 50 off trash! Carro-dale.

fill Penn Ave. GR 1-6204. ATTENTION Your old piano hauled away free. TU. 1-1702.

POODI.FS Miniatures Registered 475 up. Deposit nil hold. Union 9-28C5. For aelling. renting, burnt fpur bet net tn Post -Garotte Ftae Tuf classified ad today by calling EXprea 1-4700.

rZ, .4 ROOFS-GUmRS-Nwmplr EX pres, 1-4T00. r-t R. t. Baldwin, r. 1-9369.

1 Nick Ctlore. Leave room Mtimate. A. 9., -A A L- Av 1, yv A 4 A.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.