Petaluma Argus-Courier from Petaluma, California (2024)

5Z3 r72.7L TZZJLLZXA, CONCHA COtTHTT, CAU7CSXU. "8 On its sixth anniversary, the Comikonwealth organization presented the Commonwealth Four- 1 i Forty the Master Creation of the Commonwealth factories. As the artist creates, the design-: beauty as the scientist worksftherengineers hare toiledior-supreme utility-- The Four-Forty is a car of comfort and of strength "The.Car with the Foundation." Its pow ft; erful motor has hummed over the highways that lead to the Seven; Sea purred to rest at a I touch on its flexible controls. For every mile on tires, for every measure of gas and oil, it renders a just account, surprising in its 7 Let us demonstrate SPETEESSr for' Sonoma 134 Main Street Phone 647-J i -v- im 1 flat- you. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i i in 1 1 iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii i ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in U-X Mr.

and Mxsi Vivien Hoxle DOINGS OF -JThe Satt Rafael Board of Education has made an offer tor the Hotel Rafael to be used as a high school. III CALIFORNIA 9 LOCAL LODGES Petaluma Lodge No. 180, F. A. conferred the first degree on one candidate last night.

The third degree will be conferred at a special meeting tomorrow evening. 1 At the meeting of Petaluma Lodge No. 127, T. F. last night it was decided to move from the Canevascini building on the corner of Western avenue and Keller streets to the Labor Temple.

The next meeting will take place in the new hall. The lodge has been meeting in the Canevascini building, known a Fraternal Brotherhood hall, for the past five years. LOCAL DAUGHTERS TO BE THE HOSTESSES The Loyal Daughters of the Christian Church will entertain the Sunday school of the church at the social rooms on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Gary and children of San -Francisco mo tored here Tuesday evening on their way north for an outing. ACPCOMPLEXjOfl RuddyCheeks--SparklingEyea Most women can wave. Says Dr. Edwards, a Weil-Known Ohio Physician Dr.F.M for vears treated cores of women for liver and bowel ailments.

During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oiL naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste ana poisonous matter in one system. If you have a pale face, sallow look.

dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowejs, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets niehtlv tor a tune and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women and men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep them fit. 10c and 25c "With California's delegates alone, Hoover can go in and win the nomination," said Ralph P.

Merrltt, campaign manager for California, today." But Hoover will also carry Oregon and will have the support of the Massa chusetts and several otner un pledged delegations. Advices from the east indicate that Hoov er sentiment has Become bo strong that there is strong probability of his nomination on the fourth ballot, after the pledges have run their course." There will be nearly 600 un pledged delegates in the Chicago convention, none of them favorable to Johnson. There are al ready 357 unpledged and 79 pledged to figure-heads. Altho the Johnson forces claim the sup port of the Wisconsin delegation, they overlook the fact that Sen ator Robert LaFollette, to. whom that delegation is pledged, is a strong Dolitical enemy of the California senator.

"Johnson campaigned in Ohio," said Merritt today, "while the Hoover forces did nothing at all for their candidate. Nearly 9000 Hoover ballots were' written at the polls, every one of them un solicited. About 12,000 Johnson "write-ins" are reported from Cincinnati's German section, where an active campaign was carried on for the senator. As a presidential candidate, Johnson is dead. He has drain ed the reservoirs of disaffection and anti-Americanism and neith er the east nor the west will 'ihave him." GORMAN, TEXAS, HAS A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE A fire at Gorman, Texas, on Thursday, starting in a livery stable, destroyed more than a dozen building and did damage exceeding the sum of $100,000 The news item is of interest here because the oil holdings and well of the Rainbow's End Oil Development owned prlncfpally, in Petaluma and Santa Rosa, is located near Gorman and A.

B. Staton of this city is now there in charge. of San Francisco have leased the Hearfield home in San Rafael for the summer. The Wonder Light The steady light for Ford cars. Price $4.50.

For sale by Hugh R. 125 Main St. The "Home of Goodrich Tires and Tubes." J. K. W1TZMAN Expert Piano Tuning Phone '918J Our 10 discount sale will continue until further notice, NEWBURGH CO.

IS FOUR SUIT HERE Geo. HoltzeV, now at the Cry stal, has a number of unclaimed Suits. Owners are urged to call for same. DAUNT CAN Fit your Eyes to GLASSES Cheap Pipe Pipe Pipe Lumber Lumber Now wrecking the plant of Cal. Magnesite located at Guernevllle.

All material for sale. Save freight and buy now. 1 Babco*ck-Wilcox boiler 130-lb. pressure. 1 horizontal return Tubular Boiler, 80-Ib.

pressure. 2 twenty horse power motors. 1 Rex air compressor, 12x14. Wet Grinders. 2 Rock Crushers.

6 Tanks suitable for oil tanks. 6 Wooden Tanks. 10 Ton Coak. 3000 new Fire Bricks. 3000 Red Bricks.

70 Steel Cars suitable tor brick plant, and 6 ton 12-lb 25 tons of pipe, all sizes, 80,000 feet lumber. Call and see this material or write to Symon Bros. Guernevllle Salesman on job BUTTERNUT at liornbuckles every afternoon, at 3 o'clock Take a loaf home with you LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION TO ANNEX SAN AN-TONE, WILSON, CINNABAR MARIN AND PAYRAI SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO THE PETALUMA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma, State of California, that a petition has been filed with said Board praying the said Board Supervise ors to make an order to annex toUowitvs achooli districted which are contiguous to the Pet- aiuma Hlga School District- as follows: San Antmi Scliom Di. District; Cinnabar School District; Marin Bakery HAVE YOTJB MEAT DELIVERED From the Cash and Carry Market.

Choice meats at the lowest prices. Phone 867. 117 Washington Clarence Harms, Prop. Fishing license and tackle at Ed. G.

Schulze, 8 Washington St. Bfai iini tya STANDARD COLONY BROODERS Thry dmpr i Emj to Coukon Company cu. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF HENRY L. WESTON, also known as H. L.

WESTON, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given, by the undersigned executors of the Last and Testament Of said de- ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to file them with the necessary vouchers within ten (10) months after the first pub lication of this notice, In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Of the State of California; in and for the County of or to exhibit; them the ne cessary vouchers within ten (10) months after the first publication of this notice to the said executors, at ther Law Offlfca of F. A. MEYER, corner Western Avenua" and Main Street, Petaluma, Call-; forala, the same being their plaes f6r the transaction of the ness of said estate in the County of Sonoma, State of California. KATE CARDER WESTON, SAMUEL PERCIVAL executors of the Last Will and Testament ct said Deceased, Dated at March 22, 1SZU.


.1 is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of ths estate of said deceased, to the-creditors of, and all persons hav ing claims against the said de ceased, to file them with the necessary Vouchers within four (4" monms auer me nrst puDiica-tion of this notice, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Bono'-ma, or to exhibit them with the-necessary vouchers within four 1 4 months after; the first pub- u. llcatlon of this notice to the saidi Administrator at the- law offices of Ft A. MeyerL orner of Main Street and Western Pet- ing 'his place for the transaction- of the business of laid estate in the County of Sonoma, State of California. THOMAS J. CAULFIELD, Ad- mlnistrator of the Estate of said Deceased.

Dated at Petaluma, 1920. F. A. MEYER, Attorney for'-Ea-. tate.


NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF V. L. FRASIER; also known as VAUGHN L. FRA- SIER.Dscsased. 1 Notice is-hereby given by the Lrtmini.Mfri 't.

TTVaufor Vnn, It. "jT to exhibit them, with the necee- sary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of thf- i notice to the said Bertha W. Fra-sier, the said administratrix at the office of, Frank J. Burke, Rooms New Me- -Near Building, Petaluma. CaM- fornia, the same, belag the place for the transaction of the bust ness of said estate, in the Count but, (rvoooou i of Sonoma- rnmm WANTED WANTED Middle aged couple to take care of employees club bouse for corporation, near coast in southern Marin Co.

One to cook, other to wait on table and do chamber work. Wages $140 per, month and board. Excellent living quarters. Inquire Box 129 Argus. (927) WANTED By corporation in Southern Marin- Co young male clerk.

Must be able to efficiently handle Oliver type-writerand write neat hand. Salary to start $100 'per mo. and excellent free quarters. Give full particulars. Address Box 29 Argus.

(927) WANTED Married couple to -work on poultry ranch. Lady to, do the house work and cook for one Man to heip with outside work; salary $70 and founa. Max Herrerl as. Route 3, Box 135, Sebagto- uol, near Hessel station. (954) WANTED A good fast worker to plant kale and beet seed.

Wages no object to party. Apply H. A. Marufs 2, Box 5A, Western Ave. (983) WANTED By man and.

wife 1 or 2' light housekeeping rooms at once. Call at this office. (984) WANTED Hide and skins. Highest prices paid. Petalu-ma Hide 41S East St.

WANTED Elderly man to work on chicken ranch. Will pay good wages. 2, Box 98. Eastman Lane. (910) WANTED To lease improved small ranch with modern chicken houses.

Address 513 33rd Oakland, Ca (962) STRAYED 2 saddle horses. 1 gray and 1 brown. J. C. Jacobcen, 2, Box 107, phone 832F15.

(957) WANTED Ranch work by middle aged man. Inquire this office. (962) WANTED Second hand kale cutter. C. W.

StreA. N. Main St. (971) WANTED Woman for general housework. Near Station.

Phone 848F22. (975 HELP WANTED, luma Tanning Apply Peta-Co. (976) FOB SALE 11 acre mod. lmpr. Income 2500 hen, chicken ranch, 3 1-2 miles out clearing $20 day $14,500.

8 acres mod. lmpr. income 2700 hens, chicken ranch, 5 1-2 ml. out; clearing $25 day; $12500. 60 acre mod.

general lmpr. 1500 hens and 10 cows ranch; 6 miles out. $27500. 6 acres; good bldgs. 700 hens, 600 chicks; 5 miles out $7500.

250 acres, 37 head stock; horses, wagons, crops; 3 miles out. $32,500. C. E. GENAZZI, Agent, 204 Main Room 7-8 Miller Petaluma, Cal.

FOR SALE M. Pekin duck eggs, Brown Leghorn Bantam eggs, Japanese Silky eggs, Pearl Guineas eggs, Ringneck Pheasant eggft Wild Mallard Duck eggs. All thoroughbred H. Li Sebastopol, Calif. Box 267, Phone 19F12.

(811) FOR SALE 1 large horse, weight about 1600 lbs. Suitable' tor neavy plowing and hauling. 'Perfectly true. Good horse for hay press work. H.

A. Mardls, 2, Box 5A. Western Ave. (915) BUTTERMILK FOR CHICKENS Direct from the Alfalfa' fields at Modesto. Laeteln sold by all dealers.

Phone A. Ken- ney, 19 5 W. Try a small bar-rell, $3.60. (636) FOR SALE V' At -young 1 Jersey and Durham; fresh now and 1 pure Holsteln; will be fresh In 1 week. 8, Bdx 12B.

(968) FOR SALE 1918 "model Hart ley Davidson motor, twin 1 cylinder, guaranteed flrsVclass condition. Inquire at this of-'flce. (984) FOR SALE. 1 ton Ford truck model with self-starter. Price reasonable.

Inquire Box FOR SALE 450 2v7ti xilA $16.00 per doien. Ras-mussen A Peterson 4 Box 68, phone 811F4. (918) iii 9 r- von Salic 6 acre rancn. vandy loam; practically all new buildings; 1500 hens. In-oulre office Golden Eagle Mill.

von RAT. 1418 Bnlck. In- antra Argus (967) FOB SALE i POR SALE 3 1-2 acre well improved chicken ranch, san dy soil. 700 laying hens; 1400 baby chicks; 2 brooder houses, hold 3000 baby chicks; 4 room house, pump feed chopper, run by electricity; 1 cow; fruit tees; 3000 gal. water tank; water piped to house and chicken yards; houses for 1500 hens.

Inquire this office. (964) FOR SALE 1919 Briscoe, run about 200 miles. Also 1 Grant Six touring, Model K. Wire wheeled; equipped. Just overhauled; good ruiber.

For particulars write or phone, Sears-Ament Motors Santa Rosa, Fashion -Garage Building. Phone 306. (739) WOOD FOR SALE May de livery oak and madrone. Stove length, $6.00 a tier; 4 foot cord wood, $12.00 a cord. Leave orders with A.

W. Petersen, fa*geol Agent or H. Reynaud. (764) FOR SALE A two-story house and fine large lot on desirable corner of city. Room for 2 houses All street work done.

A snap at $2,000. Lot 58.7 by 115. Inquire this office. (841) FOR SALE 100,000 kale plants, 10c per 10ft. Pull them yourself.

J. K. Pierce, Cleveland Lane, opposite Hicks' Hatchery, phone 831F11. (914) FOR SALE A two-ton Ford truck at a bargain. Rasmus- sen Peterson, 4, Box 58, phone 811F4.

(950) FOR SALE out pullets, 3 mos. old. 400 fine In fine. share. H.

Beet 3, Sebas- topol, at Hessell Sta. (963) FOR SALE 400 White Leg- horn pullets, 3 mos. old. Inquire Ben Courts, White Star Market. (969) FOR SALE Choice onion plants $1.50 per 1000.

J. W. Sllva, Sklllman Lane, 4, Box 106. (906) FOR SALE Oak dining room table, chairs, also rug. Apply Argus Office.

(960) FOR SALE One-horse spring wagon, nearly new. A. Rehm, 1, Box 161, Pet. (961) FOR SALE CHEAP House and large lot on St. Inquire 34 Fifth St.

(965) FOR SALE 30 young Plymouth Rock hens. 237 Edith phone 745J. (966) FOR SALE Ford roadster at Petaluma Auto Repair Shop, 145 Keller St. (933) FOR SALE 20 strawberry chests; also fruit boxes. Apply 227 Eighth St: FOR SALE Motorcycle.

Inquire 620 St. LOST STRAYED Stocky built sorrel horse with halter from my place. Please notify owner, B. W. Chasis, 1, Box 107.

(951) LOST An Elk's Initials ii.O. W. 901, B. P. O.

E. ft Suitable reward, Finder phone 19. a (97 S) A. B. ,0.

Paint $3 Gallon TTTK MAZB PAINT; STORE AUTOMOBILE Sheet metal work made and repaired. Poultrymen and Dairymen Supplies made to order. Heat and Ventilate your House with a Torrid Zone Furnace. J. H.

ANDREWS Cor. Western Ave. and Keller W.D.HOUX' NOTARY PTJBXJO Deeds, and Mortgages Drawn Insurant of all Bads 17B pala: St. TiW In) Raymond Bros Ill i ANNOUNCEMENT I. Goodfricnd announces that the GOOD-FRIEND HOTEL of San Francisco, will discontinue business on May 1st at 245 Powell Street but expects within a short time to make known, through the columns of this paper, his new Mr.

Goodfriend takes this means of thanking his patrons and friends for their loyalty and-hopes to greet them again in the near future. SAN FRANCISCO, April 29. Hiram Johnson is out of the running in the race for the Republican nomination. This is the opinion today of Republicans throughout the nation following the senator's decisive defeat in New Jersey, where he conducted a personal campaign, and in. Ohio, where his organization carried on- the fight.

Out of 716 delegates already selected to attend the national convention at Chicago June 8th, Johnson has only 37 actually pledged to vote for him and 38 claimed from the states of Michigan and Montana, where the delegates are not pledged to follow the result of the "straw" primary elections. Granting him a victory in' California, which is now declared to-be a gross Impossibility, Johnson cannot enter the Chicago conference with more than 101 delegates in his camp. is the official standing of the three leaders in the race: Leonard Wood 129 delegates Frank O. Lowden 76 delegates Hiram Johnson 75 delegates Miles Polndexter haB Washington's 14 votes, Senator Warren Harding has the 48 from Ohio and Governor Pritchard is credited with 17 from North Carolina. Eastern political seens predict that Hiram Johnson cannot gain a single vote in the convention, while Herbert Hoover's chances are considered real, since he has been declared to gecon(i choice of many of the delegates already elected, pledg- ed to other candidates.

WILL PLAY BASEBALL GAME ON SUNDAY The baseball team of the Eagle District School at Penngrove will play a game with the Cinnabar School team on the diamond on, the Frank Lopus ranch at 1:00 o'clock Sunday and all will be welcome to see the game. Clavton Garzoli is captain of the Penngfove team and Robert Evans is Captain of the Cinnabar team. The teams will line up as follows: Penngrove Cinnabar C. GaTtdli R. Evans Pitcher A.

Bannpn J. Glroud Catcher F. Rlebll A. Nisson 1st base O. Kratch M.

Johnson 2d base H. Newbegtn F. Schrader 3d base F. Grossie C. Ono Shortstop C.

Yenson L. Hogan Lettfleld G. Ganoll F. Olery Centerfleld G. Moss F.

Gerstenberg Rlghtfleld LARGER SWLMMIXG TANK LOCATED A larger concrete tank than the one alluded to in the Argus several days. ago, and which it was stated would do nicely for a swimming tank, has been "discovered" at the big winery plant It is the monster concrete reservoir in the sherry house at the plant and covers an area the same size as the monster building. In fact the concrete walla of the tank form the foundation for the building. It Is understood that steps are to be taken to ascertain if it can be obtained: Now is the time to swat the fly. Swat him now and he will not worry you this summer.

A. W. POOLEY PIANOFORTE TUNER The Maze Art Shop. Phone 52. Mr.

Pooley's work appeals to particular people; those who desire to keep their pianos aX their best. Petaluma: Santa Rosa Railroad Co. TIME TABLE II KFPBCT OCT. S1S Leav Petaluma for 8ebmn-topol, Santa Rosa and Foretvlll 1:08, 10:15. 11:11.

a. 1:11, 1:15, 4:16, 1:04 and 11:10 p. m. (Sebastopol and Santa Rosa only) Arrl" Ptalnma from Shiui-topol, Saata Rosa and Foraatvills: I7. 11:40 a.

11:40. 1:40, 4:40, 1:40, :40, 7:40, 1:36. 11:16 p. m. and 1:15 a.

m. (From Sobastopol only) Leave Petals ma dally for Two Rock 7:. a. OS. 6:45 and p.

m. Leave Two Rock dally for Petaluma 7:19. a. 11:16. 5:36.

4:11 and 5:10 p. STB A HER TIMB TABLB 8teamer leaves San Franetsco-dally, except sunaays at p. m. from Pier No. arrtvlns; la Petaluma I 1 I 'Ofl n- Steamer leaves Ptaluma dally, ex cept Sundays at WQ p.

m. arrtvlns; In San Francisco at 3:00 a. m. NOTE This schedule la governed ty conditions or tne tides. Fare 60o Berth 60o E.

H. MAOOARD. Osa. Mar. DEALER WANTED! For High Grade, Medium Priced AUTOMOBILE of standard with immediate deliveries assured.

Alt communications treated strictly Confidentially. T6 handle this proposition party should have over $2,500 and good credit. Address box iooo petaluma argus i i i We have opened a first class Automobile Electric Repair repair under magnetoes, "generators, Ignition," lights, carburetors and batteries. TESTING BATTERIES AND ADDING WATER AND ADVICE FREE OF CHARGE. Service station for Eveready Batteries.

Written guarantee -for 18 months with each battery. Golden West Auto Repair Shop. j-JIrVanrTeVson h. District, and the said Board of Imoi. Kar.M a Broilers and Hens Wanted! John Stewart Co.

are opening up a feeding plant at Second and streets and will take all broilers and hens offered at market price. JOHN STEWART Per H. MURRAY, Manager Supervisors by an order duly made and entered on the 28th day of April. 1820, has setVThurs- day the 13th day of at ten o'clock A. In the rooms of the Board of Supervisor A In the Court House at the City of Santa Rosa.

Sonoma County, California, as the time and place for the hearing of said petition, and all persons Interested are hereby directed to be present at said time, to show, cause if any you have, why said) petition should not be granted: By order of the Board of Su pervisors of Sonoma County, California. ATTEST: W. W. FELT, JR. Clerk.

Petaluma Aifto Repair Shop OUR SPECIALTIES BUICKS DODGES TRUCKS All Jobs Guaranteed F. B. VOLKERTS Back of Hill Opera House Phone 423 141-45 Keller St. Dated: March 20th, 1920. BERTHA W.

FRASIER, 'Admin-. istratrlx of the Estate of V. L. FRASIER, also known as VAUGHN FRASIER, de- ceased. J- FRANK BTJRKB.

Attotnsy tor i Administratrix, Petaluma, CaV 5 ifornia. i.

Petaluma Argus-Courier from Petaluma, California (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.