Three underdogs are vying to upset Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in November election (2024)

If voters chose candidates solely on fundraising and name recognition, the race for Lee County Sheriff would be a cakewalk for current Sheriff Carmine Marceno.

He’s the known quantity. He’s well-liked in the community, and he continues to deliver on one his top prioritiesinreducing crime, evidenced by the 11% drop in crime in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s 2020 semi-annual report.

Three underdogs are vying to upset Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in November election (1)

Despite recent scandals, Marceno’s message struck a chord with voters in August as he soundly defeated fellow Republican Jim Leavens in the primary.

The task to unseat Marceno may seem daunting, but Michael “Coach Ray” Qualls, Carmen McKinney and Robert Neeld hope to spring the upset on Nov. 3 and lead the agency for the next four years.

More:Election 2020: Lee Sheriff Carmine Marceno running on record, leadership; opponents say he's not qualified

During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, Marceno oversaw a budget of more than $196 million that includes more than 1,600 employees.

The three men, who have mostly self-funded their campaigns and combined have 11 times less in their war chests as Marceno, couldn’t be more different from their life experiences to the reforms they promise to bring if elected to be the next sheriff.

“Coach Ray” is a former law enforcement officer of 20-plus years turned life coach who is looking to revolutionize law enforcement and curb recidivism by showing there is a crossover between the professions. His approach will also improve the perception of law enforcement, which is facing strong calls for reform, he said.

McKinney is a retired Lee County Sheriff’s Office major and deputy director of Aviation, Fleet and Facilities for the Lee County Mosquito Control District. An 11th-hour entrant in this year’s race, McKinney said he was motivated to run over a perceived lack of ethics and professional standards by Marceno, highlighted by complaints made to FDLE and the State Commission on Ethics, which ultimately cleared him.

Quails and McKinney are running as no-party-affiliated candidates.

Neeld, an accountant who has run his own business since 1979, should be afamiliar name in Southwest Florida politics, having unsuccessfully run for office several times, including twice for sheriff in 1996 and 2000.

The lone Democrat in the field, Neeld has no flashy advertising, commercials or websites. He’s served as his own billboard, walking with a sign from Alva to Bonita Springs in homage to former U.S. Senator and Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles, who walked the state in 1970 during his successful senate campaign as a then-relatively unknown candidate.

The life coach

Quails, 47, always knew he wanted to be a cop, even as a young kid getting into trouble.

It was an interaction with a detective after he was caught breaking into a building with a friend as a teenager that not only set him on the right path but showed how life coaching and policing go hand-in-hand, he said.

Three underdogs are vying to upset Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in November election (2)

“I did what he said,” Quails said. “This one police officer acted as a life coach and gave me the things I needed to do what I wanted in life.”

Quails spent 21 years in law enforcement, most recently at the Hendry County Sheriff’s Office until his retirement in 2017. Before that, he worked at the Hendry Correctional Institution and Florida Gulf Coast University Police Department and served in the Navy and the reserves.

The “Coach Ray” moniker has stuck with him for the past couple of years after starting his own life coaching business.

Along with fulfilling a lifelong dream to become sheriff, he said he’s motivated to run to help change the perception of law enforcement and sees life coaching as a tool deputies can use to change the narrative.

“Nobody else in law enforcement is doing this,” he said. “When it comes successful, it will be the way of the future.”

As part of his platform, Quailswants all deputies to become life coaches, which he said has multiple benefits. In the short-term, he said it would help create positive interactions and help improve the view of law enforcement officers.

The bigger picture is that these techniques could reduce the crime and recidivism rates more so than what Marceno has done during his tenure.

“It may be good, but I think I can do better,” he said.

More:Crime rate decreases overall in Lee and Collier counties

He estimated that the training could help reduce crime by 30 percent, which would save the taxpayers millions of dollars every year because of the costs to maintain the jail.

Coach Ray also added that he’d like to expand the life skills programming, which he estimated was offered to a small percentage of inmates, to everyone so that jail becomes more about rehabilitation than punishment.

“I believe that everyone has a potential for greatness,” he said. “Good people can make bad decisions. The jail can be full of good people. I want to help them realize their potential to be better.”

Asked how he would get deputies to buy into his revolutionary training, Coach Ray admitted he hadn’t queried current officers about what they thought but added that he hoped they would see the benefits.

“Change is always hard,” he said. “99% of their training is geared towards law enforcement. This could also apply to their personal lives. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

Duty calls

Carmen McKinney’s run for sheriff was not planned.

After three college degrees and 42 years in government, 32 of which were as a law enforcement officer, including at the Connecticut State Police, Groton City Police Department and Lee County Sheriff’s Office, the 68-year-old retiree said his decision to run was based on principle.

“The voters will see a lot of experience and academics, but the most important quality in me is integrity,” he said.

More:Ethics Commission investigators don't find probable cause in complaint against Lee County sheriff

One of the most vocal critics of the current sheriff, McKinney said Marceno has disgraced the agency and the badge because of the accusations made against him for unethical conduct and self-serving expenditures of taxpayer money without being held accountable.

“What is drawing me out is his actions,” McKinney said in reference to complaints made to FDLE and the State Commission on Ethics about Marceno misusing his position to enter into a sexual relationship with a woman who was attempting to report a crime.

While FDLE declined to open an investigation into Marceno, the ethics commission cleared him of wrongdoing, finding the woman was not a crime reporting victim when Marceno began courting her.

Three underdogs are vying to upset Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in November election (3)

McKinney has questioned those findings because of text messages and a voicemail from Marceno that indicated otherwise. He said that if a deputy committed those acts under previous administration, he or she would be out of a job.

“My expectation is for the sheriff to follow the rules and regulations for professional conduct established by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and by the state, neither of which was adhered to,” McKinney said.

Adding to a pattern of abuse, McKinney has also questioned Marceno’s use of taxpayer funds on multiple occasions.

More:Lee County sheriff defends 'training' trip to attend retirement celebration, would do it again

He pointed to an event this year where the sheriff and six members of his staff stayed overnight in Tallahassee to attend the two-hour retirement celebration of Florida Highway Patrol Chief Derek Barrs.

The Sheriff’s Office also spent nearly $77,000 to renovate Marceno’s office after he was appointed to fill the remaining term of former Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott after he resigned two years ago, financial records show.

The latest objection to spending comes from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office expenditures related to three community outreach centers at Fort Myers Beach, the Miramar Outlets and the Bell Tower Shops.

McKinney questioned the agency spending more than $10,000 on logos and decals, which he said were being used for self-promotion, while also questioning the locations given there are other areas with higher crime.

“The image of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office is not Marceno but rather the people who work there,” he said. “They are also in areas that do not experience the same crime as others like Lehigh Acres, which is why I call them self-serving.”

Florida requires taxpayer funds to be used for a public purpose.

McKinney said these actions erode the public trust, which is why one of his top priorities is to increase accountability measures, including for himself if he’s elected.

One of the ways he plans to do so is by emphasizing the need for deputies to intervene when another deputy steps out of line.

Referring to what he called reckless spending, McKinney said he would rather that money go into the payroll system by creating a new step system and increasing pay scales. This will help the agency not only help retain officers but attract the best talent as hiring continues to be an issue, he said.

The businessman

Robert Neeld is hoping lightning will strike twice in two ways.

Without the name recognition and political resources of other candidates, Neeld is hoping his walking campaign has the same effect as in 1970 when in Chiles upset William Cramer, whose candidacy was backed by then-President Richard Nixon, in the senate race.

Three underdogs are vying to upset Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in November election (4)

Four years ago, the American public also chose a businessman with no political expertise to be the leader of the free world.

The 64-year-old accountant has no law enforcement experience, but he doesn’t need to be an effective sheriff, whose duties are purely administrative in managing the budget and making human resources decisions, he said.

“They put their country over party,” he said in reference to President Donald Trump’s victory in 2016. “Guess what? Now, it’s time to put your county over your party and vote for the businessman so we can push Lee County forward.”

It’s the same message Neeld gave more than 20 years ago when he unsuccessfully ran for sheriff twice.

A generation later, he says the world has become more violent and law enforcement has set an example of “shoot’em up, beat’em up, lock’em up” that needs to change.

One of Neeld’s priorities is demilitarizing and ridding the agency of the military-style weapons in its arsenal.

While acknowledging that the sheriff’s duties as defined by law include putting down tumults and unlawful assemblies, Neeld said that a sheriff must be a “conservator of the peace” first.

Another priority is to do a better job of de-escalating violence, which he proposes to do by improving training and assessing deputies' mental welfare.

“I don’t object to the policy about veterans getting preference for job opportunities,” he said. “We need to evaluate them for PTSD and if they are struggling, we need to have appropriate training and evaluation.”

His last priority is to restructure the department the same way criminal justice advocates call for “defunding the police.”

Acknowledging his shortfalls in law enforcement knowledge, he said he'd focus on social investment and hire someone qualified to handle the enforcement duties.

“The budget is not being spent on the right stuff,” Neeld said. “I want it spent on preventing crime at its source. That means linking back to things like mental illness and addiction, which cause crime and poverty.”

Connect with reporter Devan Patel: @DevanJPatel (Twitter) or

Three underdogs are vying to upset Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in November election (2024)


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