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kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#1: May 21st 2022 at 4:15:17 PM
It is a world of demons.
In a dimensional called the Abyss, a hellish otherworld where monsters and demons roam, heroism and morality are foreign concepts. It is a world of sin, a feudalistic hellscape where the strong rule. Strength or power are what determine success, whether it be physical power or power that is bought. Even cunning and trickery can be strength if used correctly. In this world, the strong rule the weak, and brutality and hedonism run rampant. In the darkest depths of the Abyss, you're about as likely to be torn apart by a shoggoth as you are to be melted away by an acid storm. Compassion and chivalry are the last things on people's minds, but in such a hellish and brutal, how can they afford to be?
But there are those who think they can. In recent years, our dimension has become more aware of the Abyss, and vice-versa. Next to the Abyss, Earth is a paradise. A world filled with costumed heroes who champion greater ideals, where mercy and tolerance are commonplace. Where shining beacons do everything they can to help those in need without ever thinking benefiting themselves. Most of the Abyss is unaware, too concerned with their own struggles or wants and desires to care. But those who do have seen something all too rare in their world. A glimmer of hope. And the means to turn that glimmer into a roaring flame.
To that end, a small but influential group of demons has come together to spread the word, spearheading an initative to make their dream a reality. And Screwtape Academy is at the heart of it. It is the first school of its kind and one of the only schools in the Abyss period, but it is dedicated to a single purpose. To make heroes. Pillars of morality who can show everyone in the Abyss that there is a better way.
If everyone else doesn't get them first.
Hey, everyone! This is a spin-off of My Superhero Academy, a series of RP's centred around a Superhero school. Over the last several years, the setting has been greatly fleshed out and expanded on, and the Abyss is but one part of a larger world. As the name suggests, it's a dark fantasy hellscape, another dimension where the sky is made of rotting flesh and corruption and sin run rampant. Demons are the dominant species, and the feudalistic dog-eat-dog society they live in is not conducive to basic morality or traditional human values.
But that's what Screwtape Academy is for. Inspired by Earth's heroes, it was made to bring that sort of morality to the Abyss with heroes of their own. As students at Screwtape Academy, your goal isn't just to get stronger, but to expand your morals and go against the established order. Power isn't everything, so your goal is to become a hero and prove it to the whole Abyss. When you're not doing that, you'll be traveling throughout the Abyss, participating in low-threat missions and protecting other demons. Not only to appease the Sins or other demon lords that run the Abyss, but because that is what heroes do.
- Real Name:
- Superhero Name: This isn't something you need to have, but you'll be expected to come up with one at some point. Real heroes have real codenames, so coming up with something that fits will be one of your goals.
- Age (18-22): Demons can live an incredibly long time, but this is supposed to be an academy. Most demons should be around 18, but you can play around with their ages within reason.
- Appearance: Demons are the dominant species of the Abyss and are incredibly diverse. Their appearance is based on how they see themselves, so in some ways, it's an extension of their character. One demon could be a sexy blue-skinned succubus, another could be a playful imp, and yet another could be a scaly eight-legged monstrosity. If your character isn't a normal demon, none of this may apply, but the sky is the limit.
- Personality:
- Powers: All demons have enhanced strength bare minimum. Most demons have other powers or greater physical abilities, and many have a strong affinity for magic.
- 'Gear/Equipment:
- Backstory: Most characters grew up in some part of the Abyss. If you're struggling with background, you can look through the document linked below to learn about specific areas or kindgoms, but growing up in the Abyss isn't easy. The exceptions are characters from neighbouring realms or dimensions that wound up in the Abyss, or humans who made a pact with a demon lord to become demons themselves. I'd also suggest not playing any children of existing Demon Lords and to ask me before doing so. If you have any questions or something that doesn't fit with the norm, don't be afraid to ask.
- Miscellaneous: Anything you can think of that doesn't fit into any of the other categories.
Think that’s it. Let me know if there are any more questions about the RP you have and I'll do my best to answer them. Here's the Sign-up sheet:
- Beatrix F. Dragon, by Enirboreh
- Layla Lotana, by kagescorpionakki
- Tauriel, by PossibilyQuiteInsane
Edited by kkhohoho on May 22nd 2022 at 2:45:33 PM
Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon
AKA Nixer
#2: May 21st 2022 at 6:16:07 PM
- Real Name: Beatrix F. Dragon
- Superhero Name: Blüdlass
- Age: 20
- Appearance: 5'11.
◊ A young woman with a serious countenance and a confrontational demeanour; regularly looking down her nose at others and sauntering about like she owns the place. Dresses in a short leather jacket, tight ripped pants, and a cropped shirt that exposes her waistline without a care. Never seen without her guns and their associated holsters, and tends to manifest a red glint in her eye when angered. While undergoing a Blüdrage, her skin shrivels and pales to a pasty white, and burning red demonic runes manifest upon her skin. As of recent, Beatrix has begun to develop stubs of demonic horns growing from her skull; which she keeps hidden beneath her fringe most of the time. Her teeth are also somewhat sharpened, and her musculature is superhuman in a manner akin to a full demon in order to accommodate her strength.
- Personality: Beatrix is a testy, brash, and arrogant woman who prefers to shoot first rather than asking questions at all, and is so confident in her abilities to do things solo and her own greatness as a mercenary that she is actively insulted by the notion that she has to do things with her classmates as a form of teamwork. She is quick to the trigger and short with others, having no capability in opening up confidently short of angrily bristling or seething at anyone she disagrees with. Compared to her youth, Beatrix has managed to get a semblance of self-control enough not to do anything outright stupid, but she has still become lazy and reckless over the years and completely disrespecting of authorities; even those who have the power to kill her in an instant. Her anger and abrasive nature stems from her pessimistic knowledge that she is going to die anyway, whether from attracting the spawn of Avishalom to herself by merely existing or by eventually transforming into her true cambion form once the demonic runes on her body finally shatter completely. Beatrix's lack of faith in her own life has made her a complacent thrill-seeker with nothing to live for beyond junk food and superficial pleasures, but an inner drive to do better is compelling her to put herself in situations she otherwise wouldn't in an effort to improve herself. Beatrix doesn't know what compels her to defend innocents or throw herself as a shield in front of others she otherwise could't care less about, nor is she one to normally question her own motivations. However, the potential for good is within her despite her difficult personality, regardless of whether she recognises it or not.
- Powers:
- Daemonic Physiology: Beatrix possesses the typical superhuman abilities of other demons, able to punch through solid concrete with very little effort and break a grown human's ribs with a casual kick to the chest. She is capable of lifting up a car with all of her lifting strength, though she wouldn't be able to throw the thing more than a few feet usually. This strength also affects her speed, and Beatrix is able to move quickly and sharply in order to maximize damage. Beatrix is physically durable and able to withstand impacts such as being hit by a truck with only a few bruises, and can heal quickly from wounds so long as she is able to focus her mind on them and accelerate the regenerative process. Beatrix is completely ignorant to pain and can power through whatever injury she does happen to receive until she is physically incapable of moving—a side-effect of the suppression seals coating her form. Beatrix is impervious to fire and resistant to electricity, but her skin can be pierced with sharp blades and she is somewhat weak to icy temperatures. Beatrix's analgesia also means she doesn't notice when she's incapable of fighting safely, and often worsens her condition by impatiently throwing herself into physical activity while she's in the middle of recovering.
- Blüdrage: A berserk state that Beatrix can tap into; accessing the daemonic side of her cambion nature. In this state, her skin pales and her physical capabilities double, allowing her to chuck cars and withstand direct impacts from small rockets without harm (albeit with recoil). Her reflexes are also amplified, and due to the ambient runic energies caused by Beatrix pushing her suppression spells to their limit, her weapons and gear also become similarly empowered. For example, while in a Blüdrage, Beatrix has no limit to how many bullets she can fire without reloading, and her bicycle becomes a twisted beast of semi-sapient metal that acts like a fire-breathing beast for as long as she rides it. For each and every Blüdrage Beatrix undergoes, a single suppression rune on her body breaks, and more demonic attributes become apparent in her base form—which will eventually culminate in a violent mutation into a colossal eldritch dragon known only as The Basilisk
◊; a being a great destruction and instability due to its hybrid nature. There are currently 276 runes left on Beatrix's skin, though the number lost at once may change depending on the intensity of her rage. While in a Blüdrage, Beatrix cannot be killed, but will suffer from extreme fatigue and be knocked out of this state after a maximum of only a minute or so of activity; leaving her vulnerable to being targeted.
- Gear/Equipment:
- Judge & Jury: Beatrix's dual pistols, which are imbued similarly with demonic sigils just like herself. They are able to be telepathically called to her hands at will, enabling Beatrix to pull off incredible feats of athleticism and juggle her weapons with ease without fear of dropping them like an idiot. The pistols are also magically empowered to fire shots of increased explosive qualities and punch, enabling them to puncture through reinforced surfaces and armoured plating with ease as well as detonating explosives without need for precision. Judge & Jury are engraved with their own respective names, and Beatrix has locked them so as to be exclusive to her—unless she releases a specific rune, they are designed to be unusable by anyone other than her who tries to pull the trigger.
- Executioner: Beatrix's beloved motorcycle; a modified Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R (and she won't let you forget it) which she adores dearly and keeps maintained to the best of her ability. This motorcycle has been painted with runes in much the same way as Beatrix herself and her guns; as such it is able to speed along much quicker than an ordinary bike and even ride upside-down or along sheer surfaces thanks to magical infusion within its tyres. Executioner is rigged to detonate upon the slightest impact as soon as Beatrix bails off of the cycle at high speed, enabling her to use it as an effective missile as an opening attack should she happen to be on it and riding towards her opponents. Thanks to a rejuvenation configuration in the runes upon it, Executioner can automatically rebuild itself over the course of an hour while Beatrix is otherwise occupied—even if it is completely totalled. Once Executioner has reconstituted itself, it will autonomously drive and park up in the nearest convenient location for Beatrix to ride it again. Like Beatrix's guns, Executioner can be summoned telepathically with only a hand gesture from its owner (which Beatrix also weaponises in battle), and its engine cannot be started by anyone but her.
- Klievre: A parasitic remnant of one of Avishalom's Curs, which Beatrix slaughtered in an exhausting battle while visiting the Avishalomic territory via portal. This sliver of monstrous flesh has burrowed into and partially consumed Beatrix's right arm, replacing its muscle and sinew and capable of shapeshifting into a large organic blade should it be awoken. Klievre is stirred by excessive blood loss from Beatrix or direct injury inflicted upon itself (i.e. Beatrix's right arm), to which it will twitch and change shape into a curved sword in order to defend itself. Klievre can also withstand attacks to an extent by broadening its width into a small shield, but it is only ever useful when it's awake and aware: Beatrix has no conscious control over the organism, and she suspects it is in fact still subservient to Avishalom even beyond 'death'.
- Backstory: Born as a cambion in an ungodly union between the Pure Demon Avishalom and the (allegedly) human woman Crystal Dragonnote, Beatrix was a lost figure from youth due to her excessively volatile tendencies and her inhuman physical capabilities. In her early years she was branded by her mother with a vast number of demonic sigils and dropped onto the doorstep of an orphanage; from then on not trusting a single person who she lay her eyes upon. After multiple incidents involving the bratty and violent Beatrix shoving pencils up the unmentionable places of some of her bullies and enemies, she was effectively kicked out of the schooling system entirely in her teenage years in a mutual case of 'screw you' between herself and her teachers. Since then Beatrix has lived and progressed to her adulthood alone living out of a ratty seaside abode in California, carving out an unstable career as a mercenary and 'supernatural correspondent' in order to give herself an excuse to brutalise the unfortunate demonic invaders who she feels angered to share a kinship with. Thankfully, Beatrix has recognised the difference between demons of the Abyss and the daemons of the greater Pandaemonium, and thus has focused her excessive lethality only onto the pawns and thralls of the eldritch ones who decide to invade the realm of Man while in her vicinity. Beatrix has a particular fury against her father Avishalom, also known as Axel Dragon—who resides as CEO of the Axel Corporation in her very own home city. Beatrix is partially aware of the fact that she is feared and sometimes hated by other demons even of the Abyss due to her nature alone; should her Pure Demon side be unsuppressed, the eldritch abomination in her that would be unleashed would surely be a cataclysm upon whatever locale it happens to be released in. Because of this, and the fact that her temper in fact strains at her demonic restraints and breaks a lock each time Beatrix goes berserk, she is in truth terrified of the inevitability that she will someday turn into a daemonic beast with no guarantee of it being reversible. In an effort to control her rage and take control of her rather chaotic and unsatisfactory life, Beatrix has reluctantly coerced herself to attend Screwtape Academy within the realm that she is normally disgusted by—afflicted by the knowledge that her eldritch parent is somewhere lurking just beyond the veil that is the Lesser Abyss.
- Miscellaneous: Loredoc
Edited by Enirboreh on May 23rd 2022 at 11:37:46 AM
kagescorpionakki Breath of the Sun from Long Ago Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love
Breath of the Sun
#3: May 21st 2022 at 7:49:52 PM
- Real Name: Layla Lotana
- Superhero Name: Megalodon
- Age: 19
- Appearance: Standing at an inhuman 7'1", Layla is a humanoid shark-demon. A tall and lean woman covered in azure blue scales, with long and elegant purple fins protruding from her arms, legs, head and back. The fins on her head resemble long hair flowing down her back, leading down to a fluked tail. Her mouth contains several rows of serrated teeth, and she can distend her jaw to expose them all. Her hands and feet are webbed. Her usual clothing is a loose skirt and tube top made of colorful Abyssal seaweed.
- Personality: Calm as the ocean depths, Layla puts up an air of detached intrigue, thinking herself superior to most others. On the rare occasions she gets mad, her anger is cold and bitter, and even then she controls it well. Though arrogant in her own strength, Layla is not actually predisposed to violence as most demons are. She sees no need to prove herself, and as a result is quite amicable and easy to get along with.
- Powers:
- Demon of the Depths: As with most demons, Layla is stronger, faster, and more durable than a human. She's also resistant to pain, and has inhuman stamina. As a demon of the Everdeep, she can naturally breathe underwater and swim at incredible speed. Her teeth are those of a hellish shark, growing back near instantly when lost, and with her bite force can rend steel and shatter concrete.
- Sawfin: Though fleshy in appearance, Layla can render her fins as hard as metal. In this state, they act as razor-sharp blades, serving as her preferred weapons.
- Jetstream: Layla can manipulate water, using it to enhance her attacks, blast her opponents with pressurized streams, or even allowing herself to 'swim' through the air. Naturally, this is quite effective against fire and fire-based attacks, but renders her vulnerable to electricity.
- Gear/Equipment:
- Deepcaller: A small ocarina, made out of an Abyssal creature's shell and resembling a conch, which Layla wears on a cord around her neck. It's soothing tones can manipulate non-sapient sealife; a few notes can stop a shark attack or summon up an entire school of fish for the catching.
- Backstory: Born in the Everdeep, the great ocean of the Abyss, to a family of fairly high standing in the region. Her mother was a priestess of Leviathan, which despite the name is often a more political than religious occupation. From a young age Layla learned the art of politesse, though as with most demons she also was encouraged to learn how to fight. Alternating between elegant galas and bloody feeding frenzies, Layla eventually snuck out with some friends to explore the world above the water - her first foray onto dry land. She found she quite enjoyed being a fish out of water, for once. It was not surprising, then, that when word came of the academy, she jumped at the idea of leaving the Everdeep behind and pushing further into unexplored territory. Layla's mother was initially skeptical, but Layla managed to convince her that it was a perfect opportunity to spread word of the greatness of the Everdeep, and of Lord Leviathan.
- Miscellaneous: Theme song.
What is so amusing about this? Why do you take lives? How can you forget?
PossiblyQuiteInsane Where am I? What's going on? from the other side of the mirror Since: Oct, 2016 Relationship Status: Above such petty unnecessities
Where am I? What's going on?
#4: May 22nd 2022 at 9:11:59 AM
- Real Name: Tariel
- Superhero Name: Undecided
- Age: 21 (Probably. Time doesn't really exist where she comes from, so it's more an approximation).
- Appearance: Despite Falling, Tariel remains largely angelic in appearance. A statuesque woman of 6'3", Tari has a kind of firm beauty, as if her features were chiseled from stone. A shining halo hovers over a head of flowing blonde hair, and massive feathered wings protrude from her back. However, her corruption has leaked through in a few ways. The formerly white feathers of her wings are now jet-black, and horns of the same color protrude from her head beneath her halo. Tariel almost always adorns herself in flowing white robes, and is never without a sharp object on hand, usually her trusty pitchfork.
- Personality: Polite and remorseful, Tariel still strives to meet the high ideals of heaven, despite being expelled. She considers herself an angel still, and thus tends to hold herself separate from other demons, though she'd never admit this to their faces. Despite her high ideals, Tariel continually struggles with the very thing that got her kicked out of heaven: her explosive temper. When angered, Tariel loses her filter entirely, becoming foul-mouthed and violent, ready to lash out at the people around her. She usually regains control of herself before she actually hurts anybody. Usually.
- Powers:
- Demonic Strength: As a demon, Tariel obviously has all the strength and toughness that implies, and can also heal quickly from superficial wounds.
- Flight: Pretty self-explanatory. The wings aren't just for show.
- Holy-ish Energy: Even after her Fall, Tariel is still able to summon and control holy energy, whether to infuse her weapon strikes or fire as pure energy attacks. That said, she can no longer muster pure holy energy. Just like herself, the energy she controls carries a streak of demonic corruption in it, blunting its power to a degree when used against other demons.
- Soldier of Heaven: Tariel has extensive training with a variety of sharp weapons, with a specialization in polearms. In addition, as a former Soldier Angel, she is able to use her supernatural abilities to duplicate her weapons, change their form, and control them telekinetically, though all these effects are temporary.
- Gear: Tariel is rarely separate from her dark iron pitchfork, which she calls Redemption. The pitchfork itself has no special abilities, but it serves as the focus for her Soldier of Heaven abilities and as a conduit for channeling her corrupted holy energy.
- Backstory: Tariel was created to serve as a soldier in the Regiments of Heaven. It was the only existence she ever knew, and an existence she was quite fond of, really. But she was different from her peers. In secret, she was afflicted with what was known in heavenly circles as Mastema's Curse, a predisposition toward Wrath that was considered something like a disease among angels. She did her best to suppress it and push it down, but she was unable to do so forever. One day, what began as a benign argument turned violent. Before Tariel truly realized what she was doing, she had put her spear through another angel's hand. As such, her rank and title (and spear) were stripped from her, and she was banished to the Abyss in short order. Not long after that, she heard tell of Screwtape Academy, and practically jumped at the chance to get back into heaven's good graces.
- Miscellaneous:
- Ranges from mediocre to inept at pretty much every pursuit besides fighting, much to her chagrin.
- Refuses to admit that her pitchfork was stolen from an imp upon her first arrival in the Abyss in her desperation for a weapon.
Edited by PossiblyQuiteInsane on May 22nd 2022 at 12:15:43 PM
kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#5: May 22nd 2022 at 12:41:07 PM
All characters accepted.
Pentigan Fwomph from The Underverse Since: Apr, 2010
#6: May 25th 2022 at 6:25:50 AM
- Real Name: The Candid, Who Is Called To The World In A Thousand Voices And A Thousand Forms; Bringer Of Comfort And Depravity Alike (Candy or Cameron to her friends)
- Superhero Name: Panoply
- Age: 20
- Appearance: While the Candid has the ability to adopt the look of what others desire, she also holds a more common form in casual settings where she isn't actively looking to cater to others. This 'default' form is almost archetypal for a succubus: Model-slender, exotic red skin, black hair easily styled or bedraggled and piercing eyes of almost blazing red. Oh, and the requisite horns, wings and spaded tail. Her outfits shift even more frequently than her own body, changing into an array of clothes tuned to the situation; most lifted from designs she had seen on forays into the mortal world.
- Personality: The Candid is a bright and sociable spark, though within the ranks of her kind that's not as much of an anomaly as it is for the wider Abyssal population. She's a people pleaser, always looking to be friends (benefits optional but highly advised) with everyone and always looking to help those friends out (even in purely platonic matters!). While she very much looks and sounds the part of a friendly ditz, she is still a very eloquent person with the intelligence to properly discuss topics like morality and her place in the Abyss. While she adopts a feminine form and likewise pronouns most of the time, she sees no issue with utilizing her powers to alter even her gender, this usually leads her to question whether the traditional gendered terms for her kind really apply properly to her.
- Powers:
- Demonic Nature: The Candid is resilient and strong, much like most demons. While a great deal of lesser strikes fail to harm her, she's gotten good at pretending to express pain.
- Desire Sense: The Candid, like all succubi and incubi, has a keen sense for what others want and how it could be achieved. While at first glance this would seem niche, the ability to read someone's intent in the heat of battle could make all the difference.
- Desire's Form: With a good sense of someone's desire, the Candid alters herself to match. This never really provides much more strength than her 'normal' form (whether such a form is her true appearance or merely another function of Desire's Form would be a matter of fierce academic debate if there was any academics who study the Candid. Either way, she isn't telling) and it's very rarely anything other than humanoid.
- Gear/Equipment:
- Lash Of The Fourth Head: An heirloom whip braided in the mortal plane but touched by the Abyss. While extraordinarily resilient to damage and age, it is no stronger as a weapon than any other properly-made combat whip.
- Grasp of Pacification: Forged mostly of scrap components from a recent upgrade to Lost Eden's power infrastructure, this lightweight gauntlet crackles with lightning. While the amperage is not high enough to kill, it's fairly sufficient in stunning human-sized combatants.
- Mercurial Shedscales: In theory, this armor made of shed abyss beast scales and a single ancient scale shed from Asmodeus herself should be a sturdy suit of scalemail to provide the Candid with a little extra help in avoiding damage in the field. In practice, the armor has integrated itself into the Desire's Form, flowing and altering itself to whatever clothing Candid or others desire of it. While it still provides a modicum of protection no matter what form it takes, as anything other than its true battle regalia state it does not function at proper efficiency.
- Backstory: A trueborn succubus of multiple generations, the Candid's parents wanted great things from her (hence the elaborate name) and she was on track to accomplish those by joining the Summoning Team; those brave demons on-call to be summoned to the mortal world by ritual to accomplish some task in exchange for proper payment. In this the Candid proved to be of good reputation even if she didn't quite have the temperament for more morally murky work. Part of this is why when word of the hero project, hosted locally in Softmeadow no less, came about she was calmly but firmly nudged to join the Academy. The prospect of being a hero appealed to her so once she was given the idea it didn't take much for her to seek out a capable artificer among her kind (as she calls it, a craftscubus) to make equipment to supplement her natural talents in this new field.
- Miscellaneous:
- The Candid has at times pondered whether she would be able to be the same person if she was an angel, but usually quells such thoughts after noting the impossibility of that happening or how the heavens are probably too holier-than-thou to allow even well-natured depravity.
- The Candid reacts extremely strongly and positively to being told she's a good person or that she did well at a task and she knows it.
It's clearly a case of backroom political albumizing.
kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#7: May 25th 2022 at 8:26:17 AM
minseok42 A Self-inflicted Disaster from A Six-Tatami Room (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking
A Self-inflicted Disaster
#8: May 25th 2022 at 9:27:56 PM
- Real Name: Louise Laplace
- Superhero Name: Die Zahlenteufel
- Age: 18
- Appearance: A woman 165cm tall with short silver hair and violet skin with magenta tiger stripes. She has pointy cat ears, well-developed canines, whiskers, and a tail. On her knuckles are retractable claws. She wears glasses.
- Personality: Louise is quiet and introverted. She is usually calm and makes plans accounting for even the most minute details before acting. She does not easily trust others, and it takes time for her to warm up to them. She has a low tolerance for unreasonable bullshit, and thus hates those who try to impose authority. Louise sometimes finds it hard to understand how others feel.
- Powers:
- Laplace's demon: Louise is a genius in mathematics, and has tables of physical/chemical/magical constants committed to memory. She leverages this to use a rudimentary form of precognition. She can calculate the trajectory of projectiles as soon as they are fired. Her powers have mundane uses as well; she can even predict the weather with high accuracy, down to where lightning will strike with centimeter-level accuracy, by solving the Navier-Stokes equations (the equations governing the flow of fluids). For extremely complicated calculations, such as breaking modern codes, she must focus hard, and it inhibits her ability to multitask. She is banned from playing dice and roulette games at casinos.
One thing she cannot calculate, however, is free will. Louise cannot calculate what her opponents will do when faced with multiple, equally advantageous options. - Axiomata Sive Leges Motus: Louise has superhuman strength, like the average demon. She is also incredibly agile, fast, and flexible. Combined with her precognition, she can dodge most melee attacks and projectiles, including rifle bullets, so she is good at Gun Kata. She can also jump far distances and scale tall structures and walls with ease and has the skills to land safely when she falls, which is useful for Le Parkour. Louise can move quietly and stealthily, which comes in handy when sneaking up on her foes.
- Laplace's demon: Louise is a genius in mathematics, and has tables of physical/chemical/magical constants committed to memory. She leverages this to use a rudimentary form of precognition. She can calculate the trajectory of projectiles as soon as they are fired. Her powers have mundane uses as well; she can even predict the weather with high accuracy, down to where lightning will strike with centimeter-level accuracy, by solving the Navier-Stokes equations (the equations governing the flow of fluids). For extremely complicated calculations, such as breaking modern codes, she must focus hard, and it inhibits her ability to multitask. She is banned from playing dice and roulette games at casinos.
- Gear/Equipment:
- Weapons: A sniper rifle, a silenced machine pistol, and shurikens. Her firearms are magically enhanced for precision and power, to better take down the supernatural beasts of the abyss. Utilizing her mathematical prowess and precognition skills, she can accurately snipe moving targets at long distances, such as blowing out the tires of cars on a highway 5 kilometers away.
- Tools: She wears a smartwatch with an array of sensors, including instruments for measuring temperature, pressure, magnetic fields, gravity, and magical energy. Her glasses let her measure speed, distance, and angles. Also, she keeps a sharpening stone for her claws.
- Other: She keeps a tin of catnip, which can boost her mental capacity temporarily.
- Backstory: Louise is from the Laplace family of demons, a family of mathematical precogs. The Laplace family is descended from a human mathematician who was banished to the Abyss for saying that “I do not need that hypothesis” when asked about angels.
Louise grew up in the Wildlands, where she learned to hunt at a young age. When she was a teenager, her home and hunting grounds were taken by a corrupt landlord, and her parents were jailed after a dispute with the landlord. Louise became a gun for hire to provide for herself, hunting the most dangerous game. One day, she heard of Screwtape Academy, and about the heroes of Earth. Eager to right the injustices that her family went through, she decided to join the academy and become a revolutionary.
Edited by minseok42 on May 27th 2022 at 2:06:27 AM
"Enshittification truly is how platforms die"-Cory Doctorow
kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#9: May 26th 2022 at 6:06:51 AM
Looks good, but you'll want to spice up their appearance a bit. No offense, but right now, they're a bargain bin neko with glasses. Maybe give them some fur, some more bestial or demonic features, technicolor skin, etc. Anything to make them stand out.
I'd also suggest increasing their strength to minimum demonic levels. You don't need to scale down or take away anything she already has, but she's a a bit underpowered next to the rest of the cast.
minseok42 A Self-inflicted Disaster from A Six-Tatami Room (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking
A Self-inflicted Disaster
#10: May 26th 2022 at 9:49:40 AM
Tweaked her appearance and her powers.
"Enshittification truly is how platforms die"-Cory Doctorow
kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#11: May 26th 2022 at 10:45:05 AM
Thanks, much better.
drearyArchon Divine Basement Dweller from Somewhere Beneath The World Since: Apr, 2022 Relationship Status: Is that a kind of food?
Divine Basement Dweller
#12: Jun 3rd 2022 at 1:06:50 AM
- Real Name: Jacqaloth Vulgarath (Son of Akameth, Son of Silgaun, Son of Dulvanog, etc. Spawn of Abbadon), though most people just call him Jack. People trying to provoke him to call him Jackalope or Jackoff. People who know how to provoke him call him Vulgarath.
- Superhero Name: Black Knight
- Age: 20
- Appearance: An imposing figure covered head-to-toe in silver and purple armor. Only his eyes can be seen through his visor. Most of the time, Black Knight has no other discernable demonic features. His armor doesn't even look demonic, being more reminiscent of a knight of Earth's medieval times than any style of forging native to the abyss. Jack could probably pass himself off as a human superhero and no one would question him. Up until he speaks or uses his powers, anyway.
- Personality: Prickly and confrontational, Jacqaloth projects an outwards image of someone who lost all faith in demon kind long ago. When asked about why he's here at all, Jack would respond with something like, 'wanting to laugh at all the clowns in this circus.' Despite this, Jack is one of the more diligent students at the Academy, throwing his full effort into not just combat training, but even learning ethics and the cultures of Earth. Sometimes, when another student has trouble in their studies, he would drop helpful advice in the middle of an only mildly mockingly smug lecture. Indeed, the closer one gets to Jack, the more often he goes to them with actually helpful advice.
In other words, he's a massive Tsunder-*khck* - Powers:
- True Demon: Black Knight is a scion of House Vulgarath, a demonic clan that traces their lineage back to the Pure One Abbadon. Though, it's uncertain how true their claims of being descended from a spawn of Abbadon are. Still, Vulgarath Demons are, on average, better trained in the use of their demonic abilities than most other Demons. And as one of the two who carried the fate of the Vulgarath name on their shoulders, Black Knight was forced to bring his standard demonic abilities above the average. Black Knight is strong enough to throw boulders, quick enough to keep up with a motorcycle, and tough enough to survive getting hit by a train (though healing would take a while, even for him). Unlike his sister, however, Black Knight lacks any affinity with magic.
- Defilement: Black Knight can infuse anything he can touch with a sort of purplish energy, making the target glow with a baleful light. This infusion allows Black Knight to telekinetically control whatever he has infested, as well as to modify and reinforce them to an extent. Black Knight often uses this on his own weapons, making them stronger, deadlier, and, in the case of projectile weapons, capable of being remotely controlled. More than just controlling his own weapons, Black Knight uses this power to steadily gain control over the flow of battle. Defiled ground spreads further and becomes more hazardous as a fight goes on and any physical exchange is an opportunity for Black Knight to gain control over his enemy's equipment. Still, there are a few limits on this power. The first is that Black Knight can only Defile things he has contact with, though contact with his armor is enough to count. The second is that there's a limit to the volume of things he can Defile every second, such that taking over all the water in a pool may take a few hours if it's big enough. Finally, the strength of Black Knight's telekinetic control is proportional to how much Defilement is invested into an object. It would take time to gain any meaningful control over objects that are too big or that are in the grip of a physically strong foe.
- Miasma: Whenever Black Knight really gets going in a fight, he would begin to emit clouds of dark purple smoke from his visor and the gaps in his armor. This is an involuntary expression of Defilement, as the very air around Black Knight becomes polluted with his energies as a battle grows in intensity. Most of the time, this effect doesn't really do much other than possibly impeding sight lines. It takes a lot of energy investment to make air constructs actually worth anything.
Biological Corruption: Black Knight absolutely refuses to use Defilement on living beings.
- Gear: All of Black Knight's equipment have been passively invested with Defilement for as long as he has them. His Armor, Sword, and Shield in particular are impossible to break by conventional means and can be controlled by Black Knight with ease.
- Black Knight's Armor: In addition to the above statements, Black Knight's armor allows him a measure of control over his own movements, allowing him to move his body by will alone even if he is too tired or broken to move. Black Knight can even use his Defilement of the Armor to boost his physical strength and speed, though that would put a lot more pressure on his body than normal and would damage him.
- Black Knight's Sword: Black Knight's Sword can be wielded telekinetically thanks to his Defilement, though he rarely does this. Instead, Black Knight mostly uses the sword as a means to add his telekinetic strength to the strength of his body, letting his blade hit far harder than it has any right to.
- Black Knight's Shield: Usually controlled telekinetically, the shield is often found flying around, interposing itself between attacks and their target. It's moves pretty quickly.
- Background:
- The Fallen House of Vulgarath: The Vulgarath name was once feared and respected by all the Demons of the Abyss. Being something like aristocrats within the pit, Vulgarath was the name of countless warlords, magicians, and warriors. Their names, faces, and trophies decorate the halls of Vulgarath manor as testament. Of course, in the Abyss heritage, even a lineage that claims descent from a spawn of a Pure One, is worthless without the strength to back it up. The Vulgarath had raised countless powerful demons in the past, but the last great Vulgarath demon was born over six hundred years ago. After the death of the Clan's leader a few decades ago, the Vulgarath fell into obscurity and their former rivals were quick to begin pressing their boots upon the once great clan.
- Successors of Vulgarath: When Jacqaloth and his sister Renelach were born, the Vulgarath gained a chance to undo their fall. Jacqaloth was born with a unique ability, one that they claim to be a gift from their Great Ancestor, Vulgarath Spawn of Abbadon. Renelach, meanwhile, possessed incredible talent in the mystic arts even from a young age. Seeing the opportunity for what it was, Renelach and Jacqaloth were taken into the care of the Elders before they could even remember their parent's faces.
- The Witch and the Knight: Despite Renelach's prodigious talent in magic, it was quickly discovered that Jacqaloth had no affinity for the mystic arts. The Elders decided to focus on cultivating their respective talents, and so the two siblings were separated and given different studies. Renelach was to master the mystic arts, studying day and night, practicing and memorizing incantations and rituals and what makes them all tick. Meanwhile, Jacqaloth was made to train in physical combat, strategy, and his unique powers. Raised using inhuman training and manipulated to be a tool of the Vulgarath Elders, the siblings quickly caught on that Vulgarath manor is nothing but a cage to them. The only family the two had was each other.
- The Escape: After learning that the Elders and, indeed, the entire Vulgarath family can't be trusted that Rene and Jack found a way to escape from the manor. A mix of their respective talents and the harsh training they endured allowed the two to escape from Vulgarath manor and into the Abyss as a whole. There, they sought to make a destiny for themselves, far from those who would use them and throw them away once they're done.
- An Unjust World: Renelach and Jacqaloth quickly learned that the outside wasn't anything like they hoped it would be. Whether they claim descent from the Garden of Eden, Heaven, or the Pure Ones, demons were all the same no matter where they went. Cruelty and wickedness were the law of the Abyss, not because of any corruptive power, but because that's what demons are like. Finding no hope outside of their gilded cage, Renelach returned to Vulgarath manor, not a year after they ran away. At least there she has her books and her magic. Jacqaloth refused to go back with her.
- Find Yourself Some Justice: Eventually, Jack learned of the Demon Academy and its ideals of making the world a better place and decided to join in. Some say that he's here because he hopes that the Abyss can be better. That selfishness won't be the law of the Abyss forever. Others say that he's here out of spite. That he refuses to return to the Vulgarath and decided that this place is as good as any. Whatever his true motivations, he refuses to say.
- Misc.:
- The Vulgarath love to wear the trappings of human nobility, seeing themselves as above other demons as a noble is above the peasantry. This is all to say that they LARP as the British Royal Family at all times.
Everyone's just doing the best that they can.
kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#13: Jun 3rd 2022 at 4:41:44 AM
kkhohoho (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#14: Jun 4th 2022 at 7:12:15 PM
Heads up, but we'll be starting tomorrow. Sign-ups will remain open, so if anyone still wants to join, you can do so.
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